Hi Michal,
El 14/03/17 a las 23:45, Michał Chybowski escribió:
I'm going to set up a small cluster (5 nodes with 3 MONs, 2 - 4 HDDs
per node) to test if ceph in such small scale is going to perform good
enough to put it into production environment (or does it perform well
only if there are tens of OSDs, etc.).
Are there any "do's" and "don'ts" in matter of OSD storage type
(bluestore / xfs / ext4 / btrfs), correct
"journal-to-storage-drive-size" ratio and monitor placement in very
limited space (dedicated machines just for MONs are not an option).
You don't tell us what this cluster will be used for. I have several
tiny ceph clusters (3 nodes) in production for some years now, ceph
nodes usually do mon+osd+virtualization.
They perform quite good for their use case (VMs only use heavy I/O
rarely), but I have always built the clusters with SSDs for journals. I
have seen better performance with this setup than some entry-level EMC
disk enclosures; I always thought this was a misconfiguration problem on
the other enclosure provider though! :)
Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
Telf. 943493611
Astigarraga bidea 2, planta 6 dcha., ofi. 3-2; 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)
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