Hi all, I create a user to test swift api like this: { "user_id": "test", "display_name": "test", "email": "", "suspended": 0, "max_buckets": 1000, "auid": 0, "subusers": [ { "id": "test:swift", "permissions": "full-control" } ], "keys": [ { "user": "test", "access_key": "E3AUWSVX2TX4QCXTTGK6", "secret_key": "805UKOYIc484xwzeewMsBNMFpMofoZOjWvsapyDl" }, { "user": "test:swift", "access_key": "QXPFRV8PAC87VPBIZR4K", "secret_key": "" } ], "swift_keys": [ { "user": "test:swift", "secret_key": "pZr0ZDvH8BgMHCv8x52rf2wFJdaUKfXQWpB1LCzJ" } ], "caps": [], "op_mask": "read, write, delete", "default_placement": "", "placement_tags": [], "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false, "max_size_kb": -1, "max_objects": -1 }, "user_quota": { "enabled": false, "max_size_kb": -1, "max_objects": -1 }, "temp_url_keys": [] } But when access the api with curl: curl -v localhost/auth -H "X-Auth-User: test:swift" -H "X-Auth-Key: pZr0ZDvH8BgMHCv8x52rf2wFJdaUKfXQWpB1LCzJ" This is the response: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden x-amz-request-id: tx00000000000000000e8dc-0058ac133d-e21b2-cn-sh Content-Length: 23 Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Type: application/json Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 10:15:25 GMT {"Code":"AccessDenied"} Then when I'm removing this user, I got this: radosgw-admin user rm --uid=test -n client.radosgw.cn-sh could not remove user: unable to remove user, unable to remove user from RADOS 2017-02-21 18:18:15.711224 7f989f29b860 0 ERROR: could not remove test:swift (swift name object), should be fixed (err=-22) # radosgw-admin subuser rm --uid=test:swift -n client.radosgw.cn-sh could not remove subuser: unable to parse request, user info was not populated My ceph version is 0.94.9, what should I do with this? Thanks!