From my observations since there is no
documentation about it, syncing means it's continually copying new
changes to the mirror... it's "ok". Stop the mirror daemon to see
what it looks like when it's not ok... says something like
unknown, or some word like stale.
To remove the image, you have to stop the syncing permanently (not
just stop the mirror, but mark it as no longer to be mirrorred)...
I think disabling journaling on the source rbd image is enough for
that (which won't work if the source machine is dead).
On 01/24/17 05:47, int32bit wrote:
I'm a new comer of Ceph, I deployed two ceph cluster, and
one of which is used as mirror cluster. When I created an
image, I found that the primary image blocked in 'up+stopped'
status and the non-primary image's status is 'up+syncing`. I'm
really not sure if this is in OK status and I really couldn't
find any references about sync status in docs. When I tried to
remove the image from primary node, I caught following error:
# rbd --cluster server-31 rm int32bit-test/mirror-test
2017-01-24 12:40:41.494963 7fd8dff91d80 -1 librbd: image
has watchers - not removing
Removing image: 0% complete...failed.
rbd: error: image still has watchers
This means the image is still open or the client using it
crashed. Try again after closing/unmapping it or waiting 30s
for the crashed client to timeout.
I wonder know if my mirror status is ok and how to remove
mirrored image.
My ceph version is 10.2.3, and the default rbd features is
set to 125.
Thanks for any help!
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Peter Maloney
Brockmann Consult
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