All of our DC S3500 and S3510 all ran out of writes this week after being in production for 1.5 years as journal drives to 4 disks each. Having 43
drives say they have less than 1% of their writes left is scary. I'd recommend having a monitoring check for your ssds durability in Ceph.
As a note, the DC S3700 series is warrantied for almost 30x more writes than the S3500 series.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 19, 2016, at 12:50 AM, Christian Balzer <chibi@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
>> On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 15:05:05 +0800 (CST) mazhongming wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> At 2016-12-19 14:01:57, "Christian Balzer" <chibi@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>> On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 13:29:07 +0800 (CST) 马忠明 wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> So recently I was testing our ceph cluster which mainly used for block usage(rbd).
>>>> We have 30 ssd drives total(5 storage nodes,6 ssd drives each node).However the result of fio is very poor.
>>> All relevant details are missing.
>>> SSD exact models, CPU/RAM config, network config, Ceph, OS/kernel, fio
>>> versions, the config you tested this with, as in replication.
>> SSD:Intel® SSD DC S3510 Series 1.2TB 2.5"
> Slower than mine, but not massively so and many more of them.
> But your distribution (CRUSH map based on 3 racks, right?) limits that
> number advantage.
> I'd expect them to be busy around 50-60% busy with the RBD engine fio.
> The endurance of 0.3 DPWD (0.1 really after in-line journals and other
> overhead like FS journals) would worry me.
> Are you monitoring their wear-out levels?
>> CPU:2×Intel E5-2630v4
> Slightly slower than the ones in my test cluster, but not significantly so.
>> MEM:128GB
>> Network config:2*10G bond4 LACP network connection
>> Ceph:Hammer 0.94.6
> I'd upgrade to the latest Hammer, just in case anybody ever plays with
> cache-tiering on there, which is deadly broken in that version.
>> OS/kernel: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS/3.13.0-96-generic
> That kernel is a bit dated and vastly different than mine, but it
> shouldn't be any factor in the result.
>> Fio:2.12
> Not missing a .1. in there?
> Fio 2.1.11 in my case, but I really dislike the RBD engine and the various
> bugs/inconsistencies people keep finding with it.
> Testing from within a (librbd backed) VM should be more realistic anyway.
> And this turns out to be one of these fio RBD engine corner cases, as I did
> run your fio command line against an image that was just 20GB in size.
> When running from a VM with libaio or with a reduced test size of 5GB
> the IOPS came down to about 8500, still faster then your but only 2x
> instead of 4x.
>>>> We tested the workload on ssd pool with following parameter :
>>>> "fio --size=50G \
>>>> --ioengine=rbd \
>>>> --direct=1 \
>>>> --numjobs=1 \
>>>> --rw=randwrite(randread) \
>>>> --name=com_ssd_4k_randwrite(randread) \
>>>> --bs=4k \
>>>> --iodepth=32 \
>>>> --pool=ssd_volumes \
>>>> --runtime=60 \
>>>> --ramp_time=30 \
>>>> --rbdname=4k_test_image"
>>>> and here is the result:
>>>> random write:4631;random read:21127
>>>> I also tested the pool(size=1,min_size=1,pg_num=256) which is consisted by only one single ssd drive with same workload pattern which is more acceptable.(random write:8303;random read:27859)
>>> I'm only going to comment on the write part.
>>> On my staging cluster (* see below) I ran your fio against the cache tier
>>> (so only SSDs involved) with this result:
>>> write: io=4206.3MB, bw=71784KB/s, iops=17945, runt= 60003msec
>>> slat (usec): min=0, max=531, avg= 3.26, stdev=11.33
>>> clat (usec): min=5, max=41996, avg=1770.23, stdev=2260.61
>>> lat (usec): min=9, max=41997, avg=1773.36, stdev=2260.60
>>> So more than 2 times better than your non-replicated test.
>>> 4k randwrites stress the CPUs (run atop or such on your OSD nodes
>>> when doing a test run), so this might be your limit here.
>>> Along with less than optimal SSDs or a high latency network.
>> yes...CPU usage might be the bottleneck of the whole system.BTW,our ceph cluster is combined with mirantis openstack,above result ran from one computer node.And I also ran pressure test with all 10 computer node.The result is almost same and cpu usage for all storage node is nearly 50-60%.the cpu usage for every ssd osd is nearly 250-300%.
> Yes, the OSD 300% CPU usage looks familiar.
> The hammer code seems to peter out there, even if there's still a core or
> 2 available.
> The Ceph latency is something that's obviously being addressed by the
> developers.
> Check the archives and google (Nick Fisk) for how to tune up your CPU
> settings to get every last IOPS from your HW.
> Another thing to always remember here is that you're testing network
> latency as well when running fio with direct=1 against Ceph, the local RBD
> cache is bypassed, so you're constrained by how long it takes for the
> network round-trips (which is of course significantly longer than a local
> SATA cable) and the Ceph latency (code and CPU speeds).
> Christian
>> pool parameter for ssd_volomes(size=3,min_size=1,pg_num 2048 pgp_num 2048)
>>> Christian
>>> * Staging cluster:
>>> ---
>>> 4 nodes running latest Hammer under Debian Jessie (with sysvinit, kernel
>>> 4.6) and manually created OSDs.
>>> Infiniband (IPoIB) QDR (40Gb/s, about 30Gb/s effective) between all nodes.
>>> 2 HDD OSD nodes with 32GB RAM, fast enough CPU (E5-2620 v3), 2x 200GB DC S3610 for
>>> OS and journals (2 per SSD), 4x 1GB 2.5" SATAs for OSDs.
>>> For my amusement and edification the OSDs of one node are formatted with
>>> XFS, the other one EXT4 (as all my production clusters).
>>> The 2 SSD ODS nodes have 1x 200GB DC S3610 (OS and 4 journal partitions)
>>> and 2x 400GB DC S3610s (2 180GB partitions, so 8 SSD OSDs total), same
>>> specs as the HDD nodes otherwise.
>>> Also one node with XFS, the other EXT4.
>>> Pools are size=2, min_size=1, obviously.
>>> ---
>>>> We have optimized the linux kernal(read_ahead,disk_scheduler,numa,swappiness) and ceph.conf(client_message,filestore_queue,journal_queue,rbd_cache).And checked the raid cache setting.
>>>> The only deficiency for the architecture is the unbalance weight between three racks which one rack has only one storage node.
>>>> So can anybody tell us whether this number is reasonable.If not,any suggestion to improve the number will be appreciated.
>>> --
>>> Christian Balzer Network/Systems Engineer
>>> chibi@xxxxxxx Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications
> --
> Christian Balzer Network/Systems Engineer
> chibi@xxxxxxx Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications
As a note, the DC S3700 series is warrantied for almost 30x more writes than the S3500 series.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 19, 2016, at 12:50 AM, Christian Balzer <chibi@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
>> On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 15:05:05 +0800 (CST) mazhongming wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> At 2016-12-19 14:01:57, "Christian Balzer" <chibi@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>> On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 13:29:07 +0800 (CST) 马忠明 wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> So recently I was testing our ceph cluster which mainly used for block usage(rbd).
>>>> We have 30 ssd drives total(5 storage nodes,6 ssd drives each node).However the result of fio is very poor.
>>> All relevant details are missing.
>>> SSD exact models, CPU/RAM config, network config, Ceph, OS/kernel, fio
>>> versions, the config you tested this with, as in replication.
>> SSD:Intel® SSD DC S3510 Series 1.2TB 2.5"
> Slower than mine, but not massively so and many more of them.
> But your distribution (CRUSH map based on 3 racks, right?) limits that
> number advantage.
> I'd expect them to be busy around 50-60% busy with the RBD engine fio.
> The endurance of 0.3 DPWD (0.1 really after in-line journals and other
> overhead like FS journals) would worry me.
> Are you monitoring their wear-out levels?
>> CPU:2×Intel E5-2630v4
> Slightly slower than the ones in my test cluster, but not significantly so.
>> MEM:128GB
>> Network config:2*10G bond4 LACP network connection
>> Ceph:Hammer 0.94.6
> I'd upgrade to the latest Hammer, just in case anybody ever plays with
> cache-tiering on there, which is deadly broken in that version.
>> OS/kernel: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS/3.13.0-96-generic
> That kernel is a bit dated and vastly different than mine, but it
> shouldn't be any factor in the result.
>> Fio:2.12
> Not missing a .1. in there?
> Fio 2.1.11 in my case, but I really dislike the RBD engine and the various
> bugs/inconsistencies people keep finding with it.
> Testing from within a (librbd backed) VM should be more realistic anyway.
> And this turns out to be one of these fio RBD engine corner cases, as I did
> run your fio command line against an image that was just 20GB in size.
> When running from a VM with libaio or with a reduced test size of 5GB
> the IOPS came down to about 8500, still faster then your but only 2x
> instead of 4x.
>>>> We tested the workload on ssd pool with following parameter :
>>>> "fio --size=50G \
>>>> --ioengine=rbd \
>>>> --direct=1 \
>>>> --numjobs=1 \
>>>> --rw=randwrite(randread) \
>>>> --name=com_ssd_4k_randwrite(randread) \
>>>> --bs=4k \
>>>> --iodepth=32 \
>>>> --pool=ssd_volumes \
>>>> --runtime=60 \
>>>> --ramp_time=30 \
>>>> --rbdname=4k_test_image"
>>>> and here is the result:
>>>> random write:4631;random read:21127
>>>> I also tested the pool(size=1,min_size=1,pg_num=256) which is consisted by only one single ssd drive with same workload pattern which is more acceptable.(random write:8303;random read:27859)
>>> I'm only going to comment on the write part.
>>> On my staging cluster (* see below) I ran your fio against the cache tier
>>> (so only SSDs involved) with this result:
>>> write: io=4206.3MB, bw=71784KB/s, iops=17945, runt= 60003msec
>>> slat (usec): min=0, max=531, avg= 3.26, stdev=11.33
>>> clat (usec): min=5, max=41996, avg=1770.23, stdev=2260.61
>>> lat (usec): min=9, max=41997, avg=1773.36, stdev=2260.60
>>> So more than 2 times better than your non-replicated test.
>>> 4k randwrites stress the CPUs (run atop or such on your OSD nodes
>>> when doing a test run), so this might be your limit here.
>>> Along with less than optimal SSDs or a high latency network.
>> yes...CPU usage might be the bottleneck of the whole system.BTW,our ceph cluster is combined with mirantis openstack,above result ran from one computer node.And I also ran pressure test with all 10 computer node.The result is almost same and cpu usage for all storage node is nearly 50-60%.the cpu usage for every ssd osd is nearly 250-300%.
> Yes, the OSD 300% CPU usage looks familiar.
> The hammer code seems to peter out there, even if there's still a core or
> 2 available.
> The Ceph latency is something that's obviously being addressed by the
> developers.
> Check the archives and google (Nick Fisk) for how to tune up your CPU
> settings to get every last IOPS from your HW.
> Another thing to always remember here is that you're testing network
> latency as well when running fio with direct=1 against Ceph, the local RBD
> cache is bypassed, so you're constrained by how long it takes for the
> network round-trips (which is of course significantly longer than a local
> SATA cable) and the Ceph latency (code and CPU speeds).
> Christian
>> pool parameter for ssd_volomes(size=3,min_size=1,pg_num 2048 pgp_num 2048)
>>> Christian
>>> * Staging cluster:
>>> ---
>>> 4 nodes running latest Hammer under Debian Jessie (with sysvinit, kernel
>>> 4.6) and manually created OSDs.
>>> Infiniband (IPoIB) QDR (40Gb/s, about 30Gb/s effective) between all nodes.
>>> 2 HDD OSD nodes with 32GB RAM, fast enough CPU (E5-2620 v3), 2x 200GB DC S3610 for
>>> OS and journals (2 per SSD), 4x 1GB 2.5" SATAs for OSDs.
>>> For my amusement and edification the OSDs of one node are formatted with
>>> XFS, the other one EXT4 (as all my production clusters).
>>> The 2 SSD ODS nodes have 1x 200GB DC S3610 (OS and 4 journal partitions)
>>> and 2x 400GB DC S3610s (2 180GB partitions, so 8 SSD OSDs total), same
>>> specs as the HDD nodes otherwise.
>>> Also one node with XFS, the other EXT4.
>>> Pools are size=2, min_size=1, obviously.
>>> ---
>>>> We have optimized the linux kernal(read_ahead,disk_scheduler,numa,swappiness) and ceph.conf(client_message,filestore_queue,journal_queue,rbd_cache).And checked the raid cache setting.
>>>> The only deficiency for the architecture is the unbalance weight between three racks which one rack has only one storage node.
>>>> So can anybody tell us whether this number is reasonable.If not,any suggestion to improve the number will be appreciated.
>>> --
>>> Christian Balzer Network/Systems Engineer
>>> chibi@xxxxxxx Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications
> --
> Christian Balzer Network/Systems Engineer
> chibi@xxxxxxx Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications
![]() |
David Turner |
Cloud Operations Engineer |
Technology Corporation 380 Data Drive Suite 300 | Draper | Utah | 84020 Office: 801.871.2760 | Mobile: 385.224.2943 |
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