Re: Help needed ! cluster unstable after upgrade from Hammer to Jewel

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From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Vincent Godin
Sent: 16 November 2016 18:02
To: ceph-users <ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Help needed ! cluster unstable after upgrade from Hammer to Jewel



We now have a full cluster (Mon, OSD & Clients) in jewel 10.2.2 (initial was hammer 0.94.5) but we have still some big problems on our production environment :

  • some ceph filesystem are not mounted at startup and we have to mount them with the "/bin/sh -c 'flock /var/lock/ceph-disk /usr/sbin/ceph-disk --verbose --log-stdout trigger --syn /dev/vdX1'"
  • some OSD start but are in timeout as soon as they start for a pretty long time (more than 5 mn)
    • 016-11-15 01:46:26.625945 7f79db91e800  0 osd.32 191438 done with init, starting boot process
      2016-11-15 01:47:28.344996 7f79d61f7700  1 heartbeat_map is_healthy 'FileStore::op_tp thread 0x7f79c5c91700' had timed out after 60
      2016-11-15 01:47:33.345098 7f79d61f7700  1 heartbeat_map is_healthy 'FileStore::op_tp thread 0x7f79c5c91700' had timed out after 60
  • these OSD take very long time to stop
  • we just loosed one OSD and the cluster is unable to stabilize and some OSDs go Up and Down. The cluster is in ERR state and can not serve production environment
  • we are in jewel 10.2.2 on CentOS 7.2 kernel 3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64

Help will be apreciate !


Can you see anything that might indicate why the OSD’s are taking a long time to start up. Ie any errors in the kernel log or do the disks look like they are working very hard when the OSD tries to start?

Also a quick google of “heartbeat_map is_healthy 'FileStore::op_tp thread” brings up several past threads, it might be worth seeing if any of them had a solution.

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