I've had lots of success running monitors in VM's. Never tried the container route but there is a ceph-docker project https://github.com/ceph/ceph-docker if you want to give it a shot. I don't know how highly recommended that it though, I've got no personal experience with it.
No matter what you want to make sure you don't have a single point of failure. There's not much point it having three monitors if they are all going to run in containers/VM's on the same host.
John Petrini
NOC Systems Administrator // CoreDial, LLC // coredial.com //
Hillcrest I, 751 Arbor Way, Suite 150, Blue Bell PA, 19422
P: 215.297.4400 x232 // F: 215.297.4401 // E: jpetrini@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Matteo Dacrema <mdacrema@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi,does anyone ever tried to run ceph monitors in containers?Could it lead to performance issues?Can I run monitor containers on the OSD nodes?I don’t want to buy 3 dedicated servers. Is there any other solution?ThanksBest regardsMatteo Dacrema
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