Re: Monitors stores not trimming after upgrade from Dumpling to Hammer

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On 11/03/2016 05:52 PM, wido@xxxxxxxx wrote:

Op 3 nov. 2016 om 16:44 heeft Joao Eduardo Luis <joao@xxxxxxx> het volgende geschreven:

On 11/03/2016 01:24 PM, Wido den Hollander wrote:

Op 3 november 2016 om 13:09 schreef Joao Eduardo Luis <joao@xxxxxxx>:

On 11/03/2016 09:40 AM, Wido den Hollander wrote:
root@mon3:/var/lib/ceph/mon# ceph-monstore-tool ceph-mon3 dump-keys|awk '{print $1}'|uniq -c
    96 auth
  1143 logm
     3 mdsmap
     1 mkfs
     1 mon_sync
     6 monitor
     3 monmap
  1158 osdmap
358364 paxos
   656 pgmap
     6 pgmap_meta
   168 pgmap_osd
  6144 pgmap_pg

So there are 358k Paxos entries in the Mon store.

Any suggestions on how to trim those from the MON store(s)?

Can you check the value of paxos:first_committed in the store?

Here you go:

root@mon3:~# ceph-monstore-tool /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-mon3 show-versions --map-type paxos
first committed:    174349108
last  committed:    174349609

Doesn't seem like a lot of keys in there?

I have this annoying feeling that this relates to some really old bug I can't really recall the ticket number, but in essence was not trimming the maps even though first_committed was updated.

The one way out of this I can think of is to change the value of 'first_committed' in the store to the very first paxos epoch you have. You will have to use 'ceph_kvstore_tool' to do that.

Is one mon enough? So stop that mon, change the value and start it again?

Or do I need to do this on a mon which will become primary?

Sorry for not being clear. This needs to be done on the one that will become the leader.

Personally, I don't like this solution one bit, but I can't see any other way without a patched monitor, or maybe ceph_monstore_tool.

If you are willing to wait till tomorrow, I'll be happy to kludge a sanitation feature onto ceph_monstore_tool that will clean those versions for you (latency being due to coding + testing + building).

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