New user on Ubuntu 16.04

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Hey group-

I am a new CEPH user on Ubuntu and notice this when creating a brand new monitor following the documentation:

storage@alex-desktop:~/ceph$ ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf mon create alex-desktop
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /home/storage/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (1.5.34): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf mon create alex-desktop
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : True
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  subcommand                    : create
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x7f8340d15fc8>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  mon                           : ['alex-desktop']
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function mon at 0x7f834118c1b8>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  keyrings                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] Deploying mon, cluster ceph hosts alex-desktop
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] detecting platform for host alex-desktop ...
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] connected to host: alex-desktop 
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] distro info: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] determining if provided host has same hostname in remote
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] deploying mon to alex-desktop
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] remote hostname: alex-desktop
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] create the mon path if it does not exist
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] checking for done path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-alex-desktop/done
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] create a done file to avoid re-doing the mon deployment
[alex-desktop][DEBUG ] create the init path if it does not exist
[alex-desktop][INFO  ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable
[alex-desktop][INFO  ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph-mon@alex-desktop
[alex-desktop][INFO  ] Running command: sudo systemctl start ceph-mon@alex-desktop
[alex-desktop][INFO  ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.alex-desktop.asok mon_status
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] no valid command found; 10 closest matches:
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] config set <var> <val> [<val>...]
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] version
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] git_version
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] help
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] config show
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] get_command_descriptions
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] config get <var>
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] perfcounters_dump
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] 2
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] config diff
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] admin_socket: invalid command
[alex-desktop][WARNIN] monitor: mon.alex-desktop, might not be running yet
[alex-desktop][INFO  ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.alex-desktop.asok mon_status
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] no valid command found; 10 closest matches:
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] config set <var> <val> [<val>...]
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] version
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] git_version
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] help
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] config show
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] get_command_descriptions
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] config get <var>
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] perfcounters_dump
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] 2
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] config diff
[alex-desktop][ERROR ] admin_socket: invalid command
[alex-desktop][WARNIN] monitor alex-desktop does not exist in monmap
[alex-desktop][WARNIN] neither `public_addr` nor `public_network` keys are defined for monitors
[alex-desktop][WARNIN] monitors may not be able to form quorum

This is a brand new install of ceph just testing on two nodes.

Thank you,
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