Hi! I'm playing with a test setup of ceph jewel with bluestore and cephfs
over erasure-coded pool with replicated pool as a cache tier. After
writing some number of small files to cephfs I begin seeing the following
error messages during the migration of data from cache to EC pool:
2016-09-01 10:19:27.364710 7f37c1a09700 -1 osd.0 pg_epoch: 329 pg[6.2cs0(
v 329'388 (0'0,329'388] local-les=315 n=326 ec=279 les/c/f 315/315/0
314/314/314) [0,1,2] r=0 lpr=314 crt=329'387 lcod 329'387 mlcod 329'387
active+clean] process_copy_chunk data digest 0x648fd38c != source
2016-09-01 10:19:27.364742 7f37c1a09700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR]
: 6.2cs0 copy from 8:372dc315:::200.0000002b:head to
6:372dc315:::200.0000002b:head data digest 0x648fd38c != source 0x40203b61
These messages then repeat infinitely for the same set of objects with
some interval. I'm not sure - does this mean some objects are corrupted in
OSDs? (how to check?) Is it a bug at all?
P.S: I've also reported this as an issue:
http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/17194 (not sure if it was right to do :))
With best regards,
Vitaliy Filippov
ceph-users mailing list