osd creation hangs jewel 10.2.2 with Ubuntu 14.04 trusty

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osd creation is hang and after some time it disconnects. ceph deploying on AWS instances.
Having 800G ssd disk on siteAosd:/dev/xvdb

sdsuser@siteAmon:~/cluster$ ceph -v
ceph version 10.2.2 (45107e21c568dd033c2f0a3107dec8f0b0e58374)

sdsuser@siteAmon:~/cluster$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Release:        14.04
Codename:       trusty

sdsuser@siteAmon:~/cluster$ ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf osd create siteAosd:/dev/xvdb
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /home/sdsuser/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (1.5.34): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf osd create siteAosd:/dev/xvdb
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  disk                          : [('siteAosd', '/dev/xvdb', None)]
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  dmcrypt                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  bluestore                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : True
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  subcommand                    : create
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  dmcrypt_key_dir               : /etc/ceph/dmcrypt-keys
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x7f49f7665830>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  fs_type                       : xfs
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function osd at 0x7f49f7abd848>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  zap_disk                      : False
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing cluster ceph disks siteAosd:/dev/xvdb:
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] connected to host: siteAosd
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[siteAosd][INFO  ] Running command: sudo /sbin/initctl version
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.osd][INFO  ] Distro info: Ubuntu 14.04 trusty
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Deploying osd to siteAosd
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing host siteAosd disk /dev/xvdb journal None activate True
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[siteAosd][INFO  ] Running command: sudo /usr/sbin/ceph-disk -v prepare --cluster ceph --fs-type xfs -- /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=fsid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --check-allows-journal -i 0 --cluster ceph
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --check-wants-journal -i 0 --cluster ceph
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --check-needs-journal -i 0 --cluster ceph
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] set_type: Will colocate journal with data on /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=osd_journal_size
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mkfs_options_xfs
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mount_options_xfs
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mount_options_xfs
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = journal
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating journal partition num 2 size 5120 on /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/sgdisk --new=2:0:+5120M --change-name=2:ceph journal --partition-guid=2:63b0f607-cf92-40c8-    91be-4e1058559157 --typecode=2:45b0969e-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 --mbrtogpt -- /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[siteAosd][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb2 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:18/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] prepare_device: Journal is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/63b0f607-cf92-40c8-91be-4e1058559157
[siteAosd][WARNIN] prepare_device: Journal is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/63b0f607-cf92-40c8-91be-4e1058559157
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] set_data_partition: Creating osd partition on /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = data
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating data partition num 1 size 0 on /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/sgdisk --largest-new=1 --change-name=1:ceph data --partition-guid=1:59ec3569-5a6b-446f-bc5a    -9764f32dbc8c --typecode=1:89c57f98-2fe5-4dc0-89c1-f3ad0ceff2be --mbrtogpt -- /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[siteAosd][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb1 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:17/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] populate_data_path_device: Creating xfs fs on /dev/xvdb1
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/mkfs -t xfs -f -K -d agcount=24 -f -- /dev/xvdb1
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] meta-data="" isize=256    agcount=24, agsize=8085076 blks
[siteAosd][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=0
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=194041809, imaxpct=25
[siteAosd][DEBUG ]          =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=94746, version=2
[siteAosd][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
[siteAosd][WARNIN] mount: Mounting /dev/xvdb1 on /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q with options noatime,inode64
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /bin/mount -t xfs -o noatime,inode64 -- /dev/xvdb1 /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q
[siteAosd][WARNIN] populate_data_path: Preparing osd data dir /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q/ceph_fsid.4361.tmp
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q/fsid.4361.tmp
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q/magic.4361.tmp
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q/journal_uuid.4361.tmp
[siteAosd][WARNIN] adjust_symlink: Creating symlink /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q/journal -> /dev/disk/by-partuuid/63b0f607-cf92-40c8-91be-4e1058559157
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q
[siteAosd][WARNIN] unmount: Unmounting /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /bin/umount -- /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.fohc2q
[siteAosd][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/xvdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/202:16/dm/uuid
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/sgdisk --typecode=1:4fbd7e29-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d -- /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[siteAosd][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/xvdb
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[siteAosd][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/udevadm trigger --action="" --sysname-match xvdb1
[siteAosd][INFO  ] checking OSD status...
[siteAosd][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[siteAosd][INFO  ] Running command: sudo /usr/bin/ceph --cluster=ceph osd stat --format=json
sudo /usr/bin/ceph --cluster=ceph osd stat --format=json[siteAosd][WARNIN] No data was received after 300 seconds, disconnecting...
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Host siteAosd is now ready for osd use.

sdsuser@siteAmon:~/cluster$ sudo /usr/bin/ceph --cluster=ceph osd stat --format=json

sdsuser@siteAmon:~/cluster$ ceph -s
    cluster a9cd6ab8-2e9c-425b-a644-262a52eabf5e
     health HEALTH_ERR
            64 pgs are stuck inactive for more than 300 seconds
            64 pgs stuck inactive
            no osds
     monmap e1: 1 mons at {siteAmon=}
            election epoch 4, quorum 0 siteAmon
     osdmap e1: 0 osds: 0 up, 0 in
            flags sortbitwise
      pgmap v2: 64 pgs, 1 pools, 0 bytes data, 0 objects
            0 kB used, 0 kB / 0 kB avail
                  64 creating

sdsuser@siteAmon:~/cluster$ ceph osd tree
-1      0 root default

--Rakesh Parkiti

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