I think I found a Solution for my Problem, here are my findings:
This Bug can be easily reproduced in a test environment:
1. Delete all rgw related pools.
2. Start infernalis radosgw to initialize them again.
3. Create user.
4. User creates bucket.
5. Upgrade radosgw to jewel
6. User creates bucket -> fail
I found this scary script from Yehuda: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yehudasa/ceph/wip-fix-default-zone/src/fix-zone
which needs to be modified according to http://www.spinics.net/lists/ceph-users/msg27957.html.
After the modification, a lot of the script becomes obsolete (in my opinion), and can be rewritten to this (less scary):
set -x
echo "Exercise initialization code"
$RADOSGW_ADMIN user info --uid=foo # exercise init code (???)
echo "Get default zonegroup"
$RADOSGW_ADMIN zonegroup get --rgw-zonegroup=default | sed 's/"id":.*/"id": "default",/g' | sed 's/"master_zone.*/"master_zone": "default",/g' > default-zg.json
echo "Get default zone"
$RADOSGW_ADMIN zone get --zone-id=default > default-zone.json
echo "Creating realm"
$RADOSGW_ADMIN realm create --rgw-realm=myrealm
echo "Creating default zonegroup"
$RADOSGW_ADMIN zonegroup set --rgw-zonegroup=default < default-zg.json
echo "Creating default zone"
$RADOSGW_ADMIN zone set --rgw-zone=default < default-zone.json
echo "Setting default zonegroup to 'default'"
$RADOSGW_ADMIN zonegroup default --rgw-zonegroup=default
echo "Setting default zone to 'default'"
$RADOSGW_ADMIN zone default --rgw-zone=default
My plan to do this in production is now:
1. Stop all rados-gateways
2. Upgrade rados-gateways to jewel
3. Run less scary script
4. Start rados-gateways
This whole thing is a serious problem, there should at least be a clear notice
in the Jewel release notes about this. I was lucky to catch this in my test-cluster,
I'm sure a lot of people will run into this in production.
Micha Krause
Am 05.07.2016 um 09:30 schrieb Micha Krause:
Am 01.07.2016 um 13:00 schrieb Micha Krause:
> In Infernalis there was this command:
radosgw-admin regions list
But this is missing in Jewel.
Ok, I just found out that this was renamed to zonegroup list:
root@rgw01:~ # radosgw-admin --id radosgw.rgw zonegroup list
read_default_id : -2
"default_info": "",
"zonegroups": [
This looks to me like there is indeed only one zonegroup or region configured.
Micha Krause
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