Ceph API Announcement

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Hey Ceph Community,

I'd like to show everyone a project I've been working on.  It parses the
ceph/src/mon/MonCommands.h file and produces a Python file that allows
you to call every possible command Ceph exposes.  It also has sub
modules for every release since firefly so you can import the module you
need for the version of Ceph you're running.  Why did I write this?  It
stems from reviewing a lot of code that is using subprocess.Popen and
friends to manage Ceph clusters.  I think this should make life easier
for everyone.  Let me know what you think:
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ceph_api.  The code is entirely generated
so if you see something that looks weird it's probably everywhere.
Please file an issue on github.  Thanks for your time and I hope you get
something useful out of this!

Note: There's one Ceph command missing in Jewel.  My parser is having a
problem with the formatting of an mds command.  I'm going to submit a PR
to master to fix it.

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