Hi! A fresh install of 10.1.2 on CentOS 7.2.1511 fails adding osds: [ceph_deploy.osd][ERROR ] Failed to execute command: ceph-disk -v prepare --cluster ceph --fs-type xfs -- /dev/sdm /dev/sdi [ceph_deploy][ERROR ] GenericError: Failed to create 1 OSDs The reason seems to be a failing partprobe command: [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600 [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition: partprobe /dev/sdi failed : Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdi1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sdi1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. [cestor1][WARNIN] Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy) [cestor1][WARNIN] (ignored, waiting 60s) Attached ceph-deploy-osd-prepare-error.log with the details. Modifying ceph-disk to ignore the partprobe failing allows to proceed. Any hints? Gruesse Michael
ceph-deploy osd prepare cestor1:/dev/sdm:/dev/sdi [ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /home/ink/.cephdeploy.conf [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] Invoked (1.5.31): /bin/ceph-deploy osd prepare cestor1:/dev/sdm:/dev/sdi [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph-deploy options: [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] username : None [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] disk : [('cestor1', '/dev/sdm', '/dev/sdi')] [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] dmcrypt : False [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] verbose : False [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] overwrite_conf : False [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] subcommand : prepare [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] dmcrypt_key_dir : /etc/ceph/dmcrypt-keys [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] quiet : False [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cd_conf : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x2350560> [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cluster : ceph [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] fs_type : xfs [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] func : <function osd at 0x2344b90> [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph_conf : None [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] default_release : False [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] zap_disk : False [ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing cluster ceph disks cestor1:/dev/sdm:/dev/sdi [cestor1][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo [cestor1][DEBUG ] connected to host: cestor1 [cestor1][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host [cestor1][DEBUG ] detect machine type [cestor1][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable [ceph_deploy.osd][INFO ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.2.1511 Core [ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Deploying osd to cestor1 [cestor1][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf [ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing host cestor1 disk /dev/sdm journal /dev/sdi activate False [cestor1][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph-disk -v prepare --cluster ceph --fs-type xfs -- /dev/sdm /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=fsid [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --check-allows-journal -i 0 --cluster ceph [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --check-wants-journal -i 0 --cluster ceph [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --check-needs-journal -i 0 --cluster ceph [cestor1][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdm uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:192/dm/uuid [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=osd_journal_size [cestor1][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdm uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:192/dm/uuid [cestor1][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdm uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:192/dm/uuid [cestor1][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdm uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:192/dm/uuid [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mkfs_options_xfs [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mkfs_options_xfs [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mount_options_xfs [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mount_options_xfs [cestor1][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdi uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:128/dm/uuid [cestor1][WARNIN] prepare_device: OSD will not be hot-swappable if journal is not the same device as the osd data [cestor1][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdi uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:128/dm/uuid [cestor1][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = journal [cestor1][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdi uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:128/dm/uuid [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/parted --machine -- /dev/sdi print [cestor1][WARNIN] get_free_partition_index: get_free_partition_index: analyzing BYT; [cestor1][WARNIN] /dev/sdi:240GB:scsi:512:512:gpt:ATA SAMSUNG MZ7KM240:; [cestor1][WARNIN] [cestor1][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating journal partition num 1 size 12800 on /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /sbin/sgdisk --new=1:0:+12800M --change-name=1:ceph journal --partition-guid=1:7bb4a49e-cc63-4af3-9df6-d3f1255014eb --typecode=1:45b0969e-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdi [cestor1][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully. [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600 [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition: partprobe /dev/sdi failed : Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdi1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sdi1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. [cestor1][WARNIN] Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy) [cestor1][WARNIN] (ignored, waiting 60s) [cestor1][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600 [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition: partprobe /dev/sdi failed : Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdi1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sdi1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. [cestor1][WARNIN] Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy) [cestor1][WARNIN] (ignored, waiting 60s) [cestor1][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600 [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition: partprobe /dev/sdi failed : Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdi1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sdi1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. [cestor1][WARNIN] Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy) [cestor1][WARNIN] (ignored, waiting 60s) [cestor1][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600 [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition: partprobe /dev/sdi failed : Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdi1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sdi1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. [cestor1][WARNIN] Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy) [cestor1][WARNIN] (ignored, waiting 60s) [cestor1][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600 [cestor1][WARNIN] command: Running command: /sbin/partprobe /dev/sdi [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition: partprobe /dev/sdi failed : Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdi1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sdi1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. [cestor1][WARNIN] Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy) [cestor1][WARNIN] (ignored, waiting 60s) [cestor1][WARNIN] Traceback (most recent call last): [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/sbin/ceph-disk", line 9, in <module> [cestor1][WARNIN] load_entry_point('ceph-disk==1.0.0', 'console_scripts', 'ceph-disk')() [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 4964, in run [cestor1][WARNIN] main(sys.argv[1:]) [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 4915, in main [cestor1][WARNIN] args.func(args) [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 1774, in main [cestor1][WARNIN] Prepare.factory(args).prepare() [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 1762, in prepare [cestor1][WARNIN] self.prepare_locked() [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 1794, in prepare_locked [cestor1][WARNIN] self.data.prepare(self.journal) [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 2446, in prepare [cestor1][WARNIN] self.prepare_device(*to_prepare_list) [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 2622, in prepare_device [cestor1][WARNIN] to_prepare.prepare() [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 1964, in prepare [cestor1][WARNIN] self.prepare_device() [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 2054, in prepare_device [cestor1][WARNIN] num=num) [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 1525, in create_partition [cestor1][WARNIN] update_partition(self.path, 'created') [cestor1][WARNIN] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ceph_disk/main.py", line 1413, in update_partition [cestor1][WARNIN] raise Error('partprobe %s failed : %s' % (dev, error)) [cestor1][WARNIN] ceph_disk.main.Error: Error: partprobe /dev/sdi failed : Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdi1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sdi1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. [cestor1][WARNIN] Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy) [cestor1][WARNIN] [cestor1][ERROR ] RuntimeError: command returned non-zero exit status: 1 [ceph_deploy.osd][ERROR ] Failed to execute command: ceph-disk -v prepare --cluster ceph --fs-type xfs -- /dev/sdm /dev/sdi [ceph_deploy][ERROR ] GenericError: Failed to create 1 OSDs
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