I have a problem with the osds getting full on our cluster.
I've read all the topics on this list on how to deal with that, but I
have a few questions.
First of all - the cluster itself is nowhere near being filled (about
55% data is used), but the osds don't get filled equally.
I've tried adding osds, but it didn't help - still some osds are being
filled more than the others. I tried adjusting ratios, but it's not a
long-term solution. I've tried adjusting weights, but I'm not sure if
I'm doing it right..
At this point I had to stop the full osd (this is a production cluster)
so that the radosgw will work.
Am I correctly assuming, that since the cluster is in WARNING state (not
ERR) with that one osd down - that means I can safely delete some pgs
from that osd? They have copies on other osds, otherwise cluster would
be in ERR state? I can't start the osd because that would stop the
radosgw from working.
Can you suggest how to reweight the osds so that the data will be
distributed evenly (more or less..).
Also - the cluster got stuck with some backfill_toofull pgs - is there a
way to deal with that? I've adjusted the ratio, but the pgs still are in
backfill_toofull state..
Here's some info about the current cluster state - the norecover flag is
set, because recovery process caused the requests to be blocked and
radosgw giving too many errors, the flag is unset during the night. BTW
- is there a way to slow down the rebalancing so that the cluster will
still be responsive while repairing/moving pgs?
[root@cf01 ceph]# ceph -v
ceph version 0.94.5 (9764da52395923e0b32908d83a9f7304401fee43)
[root@cf01 ceph]# ceph -s
cluster 3469081f-9852-4b6e-b7ed-900e77c48bb5
10 pgs backfill_toofull
48 pgs backfilling
31 pgs degraded
1 pgs recovering
31 pgs stuck degraded
59 pgs stuck unclean
30 pgs stuck undersized
30 pgs undersized
recovery 6408175/131078852 objects degraded (4.889%)
recovery 69703039/131078852 objects misplaced (53.176%)
1 near full osd(s)
norecover flag(s) set
monmap e1: 3 mons at
election epoch 5826, quorum 0,1,2 cf01,cf02,cf03
osdmap e5906: 20 osds: 19 up, 19 in; 58 remapped pgs
flags norecover
pgmap v12075461: 304 pgs, 17 pools, 23771 GB data, 45051 kobjects
50218 GB used, 39142 GB / 89360 GB avail
6408175/131078852 objects degraded (4.889%)
69703039/131078852 objects misplaced (53.176%)
241 active+clean
24 active+remapped+backfilling
24 active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
6 active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfill_toofull
4 active+clean+scrubbing+deep
4 active+remapped+backfill_toofull
1 active+recovering+degraded
[root@cf01 ceph]# ceph --admin-daemon /run/ceph/ceph-mon.cf01.asok
config show | grep full
"mon_cache_target_full_warn_ratio": "0.66",
"mon_osd_full_ratio": "0.95",
"mon_osd_nearfull_ratio": "0.85",
"paxos_stash_full_interval": "25",
"osd_backfill_full_ratio": "0.9",
"osd_pool_default_cache_target_full_ratio": "0.8",
"osd_debug_skip_full_check_in_backfill_reservation": "false",
"osd_failsafe_full_ratio": "0.97",
"osd_failsafe_nearfull_ratio": "0.9",
[root@cf01 ceph]# ceph df
89360G 39137G 50223G 56.20
vms 0 9907G 11.09 3505G
.rgw.root 1 848 0 3505G
.rgw.control 2 0 0 3505G
.rgw.gc 3 0 0 3505G
.rgw.buckets_cache 4 0 0 3505G
.rgw.buckets.index 5 0 0 3505G
.rgw.buckets.extra 6 0 0 3505G
.log 7 121G 0.14 3505G
.intent-log 8 0 0 3505G
.usage 9 0 0 3505G
.users 10 597 0 3505G
.users.email 11 0 0 3505G
.users.swift 12 0 0 3505G
.users.uid 13 11694 0 3505G
.rgw.buckets 14 13699G 15.33 3505G
.rgw 15 9256 0 3505G
one 17 43840M 0.05 2337G
0 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 2653G 2931G 47.51 0.85
1 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 2960G 2624G 53.02 0.94
2 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 3193G 2391G 57.18 1.02
10 1.00000 1.00000 3723G 2315G 1408G 62.18 1.11
16 1.00000 1.00000 3723G 763G 2959G 20.50 0.36
3 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 3559G 2025G 63.73 1.13
4 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 2354G 3230G 42.16 0.75
11 1.00000 1.00000 3723G 1302G 2420G 34.99 0.62
17 0.95000 0.95000 3723G 3388G 334G 91.01 1.62
12 1.00000 1.00000 3723G 2922G 800G 78.50 1.40
5 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 3972G 1613G 71.12 1.27
6 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 2975G 2609G 53.28 0.95
7 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 2208G 3376G 39.54 0.70
13 1.00000 1.00000 3723G 2092G 1631G 56.19 1.00
18 1.00000 1.00000 3723G 3144G 578G 84.45 1.50
8 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 2909G 2675G 52.10 0.93
9 1.00000 1.00000 5585G 3089G 2495G 55.31 0.98
14 0.95000 0 0 0 0 0 0 (this osd is full at
15 1.00000 1.00000 3723G 2629G 1093G 70.63 1.26
19 1.00000 1.00000 3723G 1781G 1941G 47.86 0.85
TOTAL 89360G 50217G 39143G 56.20
MIN/MAX VAR: 0/1.62 STDDEV: 16.80
[root@cf01 ceph]# ceph osd tree
-1 19.89999 root default
-2 5.00000 host cf01
0 1.00000 osd.0 up 1.00000 1.00000
1 1.00000 osd.1 up 1.00000 1.00000
2 1.00000 osd.2 up 1.00000 1.00000
10 1.00000 osd.10 up 1.00000 1.00000
16 1.00000 osd.16 up 1.00000 1.00000
-3 4.95000 host cf02
3 1.00000 osd.3 up 1.00000 1.00000
4 1.00000 osd.4 up 1.00000 1.00000
11 1.00000 osd.11 up 1.00000 1.00000
17 0.95000 osd.17 up 0.95000 1.00000
12 1.00000 osd.12 up 1.00000 1.00000
-4 5.00000 host cf03
5 1.00000 osd.5 up 1.00000 1.00000
6 1.00000 osd.6 up 1.00000 1.00000
7 1.00000 osd.7 up 1.00000 1.00000
13 1.00000 osd.13 up 1.00000 1.00000
18 1.00000 osd.18 up 1.00000 1.00000
-5 4.95000 host cf04
8 1.00000 osd.8 up 1.00000 1.00000
9 1.00000 osd.9 up 1.00000 1.00000
14 0.95000 osd.14 down 0 1.00000
15 1.00000 osd.15 up 1.00000 1.00000
19 1.00000 osd.19 up 1.00000 1.00000
# begin crush map
tunable choose_local_tries 0
tunable choose_local_fallback_tries 0
tunable choose_total_tries 50
tunable chooseleaf_descend_once 1
tunable straw_calc_version 1
# devices
device 0 osd.0
device 1 osd.1
device 2 osd.2
device 3 osd.3
device 4 osd.4
device 5 osd.5
device 6 osd.6
device 7 osd.7
device 8 osd.8
device 9 osd.9
device 10 osd.10
device 11 osd.11
device 12 osd.12
device 13 osd.13
device 14 osd.14
device 15 osd.15
device 16 osd.16
device 17 osd.17
device 18 osd.18
device 19 osd.19
# types
type 0 osd
type 1 host
type 2 chassis
type 3 rack
type 4 row
type 5 pdu
type 6 pod
type 7 room
type 8 datacenter
type 9 region
type 10 root
# buckets
host cf01 {
id -2 # do not change unnecessarily
# weight 5.000
alg straw
hash 0 # rjenkins1
item osd.0 weight 1.000
item osd.1 weight 1.000
item osd.2 weight 1.000
item osd.10 weight 1.000
item osd.16 weight 1.000
host cf02 {
id -3 # do not change unnecessarily
# weight 4.950
alg straw
hash 0 # rjenkins1
item osd.3 weight 1.000
item osd.4 weight 1.000
item osd.11 weight 1.000
item osd.17 weight 0.950
item osd.12 weight 1.000
host cf03 {
id -4 # do not change unnecessarily
# weight 5.000
alg straw
hash 0 # rjenkins1
item osd.5 weight 1.000
item osd.6 weight 1.000
item osd.7 weight 1.000
item osd.13 weight 1.000
item osd.18 weight 1.000
host cf04 {
id -5 # do not change unnecessarily
# weight 4.950
alg straw
hash 0 # rjenkins1
item osd.8 weight 1.000
item osd.9 weight 1.000
item osd.14 weight 0.950
item osd.15 weight 1.000
item osd.19 weight 1.000
root default {
id -1 # do not change unnecessarily
# weight 19.900
alg straw
hash 0 # rjenkins1
item cf01 weight 5.000
item cf02 weight 4.950
item cf03 weight 5.000
item cf04 weight 4.950
# rules
rule replicated_ruleset {
ruleset 0
type replicated
min_size 1
max_size 10
step take default
step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
step emit
# end crush map
Jacek Jarosiewicz
Administrator Systemów Informatycznych
SUPERMEDIA Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie
ul. Senatorska 13/15, 00-075 Warszawa
Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st.Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego
Rejestru Sądowego,
nr KRS 0000029537; kapitał zakładowy 44.556.000,00 zł
NIP: 957-05-49-503
Adres korespondencyjny: ul. Jubilerska 10, 04-190 Warszawa
SUPERMEDIA -> http://www.supermedia.pl
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