Re: cephx capabilities to forbid rbd creation

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Maybe (not tested) :
[osd ]allow * object_prefix <block_name_prefix>  ?

2016-03-15 22:18 GMT+01:00 Loris Cuoghi <lc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi David,
> One pool per virtualization host would make it impossible to live
> migrate a VM. :)
> Thanks,
> Loris
> Le 15/03/2016 22:11, David Casier a écrit :
>> Hi Loris,
>> If i'm not mistaken, there are no rbd ACL in cephx.
>> Why not 1 pool/client and pool quota ?
>> David.
>> 2016-02-12 3:34 GMT+01:00 Loris Cuoghi <lc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Hi!
>>> We are on version 9.2.0, 5 mons and 80 OSDS distributed on 10 hosts.
>>> How could we twist cephx capabilities so to forbid our KVM+QEMU+libvirt
>>> hosts any RBD creation capability ?
>>> We currently have an rbd-user key like so :
>>>         caps: [mon] allow r
>>>         caps: [osd] allow x object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx
>>> object_prefix rbd_header., allow rwx object_prefix rbd_id., allow rw
>>> object_prefix rbd_data.
>>> And another rbd-manager key like the one suggested in the documentation,
>>> which is used in a central machine which is the only one allowed to create
>>> RBD images:
>>>         caps: [mon] allow r
>>>         caps: [osd] allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx
>>> pool=rbd
>>> Now, the libvirt hosts all share the same "rbd-user" secret.
>>> Our intention is to permit the QEMU processes to take full advantage of any
>>> single RBD functionality, but to forbid any new RBD creation with this same
>>> key. In the eventuality of a stolen key, or other hellish scenarios.
>>> What cephx capabilities did you guys configure for your virtualization
>>> hosts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Loris
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