Re: Old MDS resurrected after update

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On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Scottix <scottix@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I had a weird thing happen when I was testing an upgrade in a dev
> environment where I have removed an MDS from a machine a while back.
> I upgraded to 0.94.6 and low and behold the mds daemon started up on the
> machine again. I know the /var/lib/ceph/mds folder was removed becaues I
> renamed it /var/lib/ceph/mds-removed and I definitely have restarted this
> machine several times with mds not starting before.
> Only thing I noticed was the auth keys were still in play. I am assuming the
> upgrade recreated the folder and found it still had access so it started
> back up.

I don't see how the upgrade would have recreated auth keys for the
MDS, unless you mean some external upgrade script rather than just the
packages on the machine?

> I am guessing we have to add one more step in the removal mds from this post
>  1 Stop the old MDS
>  2 Run "ceph mds fail 0"
>  3 Run "ceph auth del mds.<name>"

Yes, good point, folks should also do the "auth del" part.

> I am a little weary of command 2 since there is no clear depiction of what 0
> is. Is this command better since it is more clear "ceph mds rm 0 mds.<name>"

'0' in this context means rank 0, i.e. whichever active daemon holds
that rank at the time.  If you have more than one daemon, the you may
not need to do this; if the daemon you're removing is not currently
active (i.e. not holding a rank) then you don't actually need to do


> Is there anything else that could possibly resurrect it?

Nope, not that I can think of.  I actually don't understand how it got
resurrected in this instance because removing its
/var/lib/ceph/mds/... directory should have destroyed its auth keys.


> Best,
> Scott
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