I've been working to develop a CEPH EC plgin for array type erasure code, for example
RAID-DP (i.e RDP). Later I realized that I can't continue with (k+m) format in CEPH as
like normal RS code if I want to save disk IO (or Read data). Since I need to ready the individual symbols from each device rather that k symbols. One "chunk" from OSD will contain k-symbols
in contiguous form. The same thing will be an issue for MSR(Minimum Storage Regeneration) Erasure code plugin.
As a solution I thought to consider k*k data chunk and k*m coding chunk and use LRC kind of
layering to pass the info (in plugin) which is data chunk and coding chunk.
However, I've doubt if the decoding API will supply me the correct info on lost chunks to get the info on lost erasure coding nodes.
Does anybody have good solution to this issue using CRUSH map?
Could Pl. suggest any pointer or link that explain the above issue?
Syed Abid Hussain
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