Hello Jan!
Thank you for your advices, first of all! The filesystem was created using mkfs.xfs, after creating the RBD block device and mapping it on the Ceph client. I haven't specified any parameters when I created the filesystem, I just ran mkfs.xfs on the image name. As you mentioned the filesystem thinking the block device should be larger than it is - I have initially created that image as a 2GB image, and then resized it to be much bigger. Could this be the issue?
Sounds more than likely :-) How exactly did you grow it?
There are several RBD images mounted on one Ceph client, but only one of them had issues. I have made a clone, and I will try running fsck on it. Fortunately it's not important data, it's just testing data. If I won't succeed repairing it I will trash and re-create it, of course. Thank you, once again!
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