We build ceph cluster over Debian Wheezy. Plan is to use
this cluster with qemu-kvm/libvirt to house virtual machine images.
Ceph has been modified a little to enable custom cluster names.
So cluster is named fs instead of ceph. This seems to work without
problems, but it seems qemu-img create doesn't support custom
cluster names.
I created ceph user named libvirt that has keyring to cluster in format of
fs.client.libvirt.keyring. I haven't found any way to tell qemu-img that
keyring is
named after custom cluster name.
Solution to this was to copy libvirt user keyring to default cluster name
format ceph.client.libvirt.keyring. After that i can create rbd images
with command:
qemu-img create -f rbd
rbd:kvm/test3:id=libvirt:cluster=fs:conf=/etc/ceph/fs.conf 120M
This seems semi-dirty trick so is there any way to tell qemu-img about
custom cluster name
or point it to keyring file directly?
On the other note is it recommended to use raw image format with
qemu-kvm/libvirt configuration
instead of rbd. There are two different examples in ceph documentation.
http://ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/libvirt/ using rbd-format
using raw-format
Debian Wheezy with 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u2~bpo70+1
Ceph version 0.94.2 (5fb85614ca8f354284c713a2f9c610860720bbf3)
qemu-kvm 1.1.2+dfsg-6+deb7u8 build with --enable-rbd
qemu-utils 1.1.2+dfsg-6a+deb7u8 build with --enable-rbd
- Jaakko
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