Re: Updating OSD Parameters

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On 28-07-15 16:53, Noah Mehl wrote:
> When we update the following in ceph.conf:
> [osd]
>   osd_recovery_max_active = 1
>   osd_max_backfills = 1
> How do we make sure it takes affect?  Do we have to restart all of the
> ceph osd’s and mon’s?

On a client with client.admin keyring you execute:

ceph tell osd.* injectargs '--osd_recovery_max_active=1'

It will take effect immediately. Keep in mind though that PGs which are
currently recovering are not affected.

So if a OSD is currently doing 10 backfills, it will keep doing that. It
however won't accept any new backfills. So it slowly goes down to 9, 8,
7, etc, until you see only 1 backfill active.

Same goes for recovery.


> Thanks!
> ~Noah
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