On 06/18/2015 12:23 PM, Mark Nelson wrote:
I'm just guessing, but because your read performance is slow as well,
you may multiple issues going on. The Intel 530 being slow at O_DSYNC
writes is one of them, but it's possible there is something else too. If
I were in your position I think I'd try to beg/borrw/steal a single DC
S3700 or even 520 (despite it's presumed lack of safety) and just see
how a single OSD cluster using it does on your setup before replacing
After some (much!) more testing I finally have the results I'd expect! :)
Turns out we had two problems at once - first was the ssd (530 and the
problem mentioned) and the second was my testing scenario - the mounted
rbd is significantly slower than accessing it through librbd.
We've decided to go ahead and buy DC S3770 ssds.
So you were right all along. :)
Thanks for the help - much appreciated!
I have a last question though - is the kernel rbd implementation going
to be improved? or should we just forget about that and just use librbd?
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