On 2015-06-17 18:52:51 +0000, Somnath Roy said:
This is presently written from log level 1 onwards :-)
So, only log level 0 will not log this..
Try, 'debug_mon = 0/0' in the conf file..
Yeah, once I had sent the mail I realized that "1" in the log line was
the level. Had overlooked that before.
However, I'd rather not set the level to 0/0, as that would disable all
logging from the MONs.
Now, I don't have enough knowledge on that part to say whether it is
important enough to log at log level 1 , sorry :-(
That would indeed be an interesting to know.
Judging from the sheer amount, at least I have my doubts, because the
cluster seems to be running without any issues. So I figure at least it
isn't indicative of an immediate issue.
Anyone with a little more definitve knowledge around? Should I create a
bug ticket for this?
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