Re: capacity planing with SSD Cache Pool Tiering

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Thanks Marc & Nick, that makes things much more clear!


Am 05.05.15 um 11:36 schrieb Nick Fisk:
> Just to add, the caching promote/demotes whole objects, so if you have
> lots of small random IO’s you will need a lot more cache than compared
> to the actual amount of hot data. Reducing the RBD object size can help
> with this, but YMMV
> Also don’t try and compare Ceph Tiering to a generic cache. With a
> generic cache you tend to get a benefit even when the cache is too
> small, however due to the way Ceph promote/demotes, cache misses are
> very expensive and I have found that unless the bulk of you’re working
> set fits in the cache tier, then performance can actually be worse than
> without the cache.
> *From:*ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf
> Of *Marc
> *Sent:* 05 May 2015 10:25
> *To:* ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; goetz.reinicke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re:  capacity planing with SSD Cache Pool Tiering
> Hi,
> The cache doesn't give you any additional storage capacity as the cache
> can never store data, thats not on the tier below it (or store more
> writes than the underlying storage has room for).
> As for how much you should go for... thats very much up to your use
> case. Try to come up with an estimate of how much data is frequently
> being accessed (this is the data most likely to remain in the cache).
> Then double that estimate - ALWAYS double your estimates ;) (this isn't
> Ceph-specific).
> There might be additional magic, but in general the cache will store all
> the data that is being read from the underlying storage (in hopes of it
> being required again later) as well as any writes that may occur (if you
> don't configure the cache to be read-only that is). Do note that this
> also means that currently (afaik this is being worked on) pulling a
> backup of your RBDs will completely flush the cache. This only means
> that the files you'd want cached will have to be pulled back in after
> that and you may lose the performance advantage for a little while after
> each backup.
> Hope that helps, dont hesitate with further inquiries!
> Marc

Götz Reinicke

Tel. +49 7141 969 82 420
E-Mail goetz.reinicke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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