Re: Ceph Radosgw multi zone data replication failure

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Hello Alfredo / Craig 

First of all Thank You So much for replying and giving your precious time to this problem. 

@Alfredo : I tried version radosgw-agent version 1.2.2 and the case has progressed a lot. ( below are some the logs )

I am now getting 

2015-04-28 00:35:14,781 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ] endpoint does not support versioning

2015-04-28 00:35:14,781 5132 [radosgw_agent][WARNIN] encountered issues reaching to endpoint

2015-04-28 00:35:14,782 5132 [radosgw_agent][WARNIN] HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

I am using CIVETWEB , any further help in this would be really helpful.

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# radosgw-agent -c cluster-data-sync.conf

2015-04-28 00:35:14,750 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]  __            __           __   ___      ___

2015-04-28 00:35:14,750 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ] /__` \ / |\ | /  `     /\  / _` |__  |\ |  |

2015-04-28 00:35:14,751 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ] .__/  |  | \| \__,    /~~\ \__> |___ | \|  |

2015-04-28 00:35:14,751 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]                                      v1.2.2

2015-04-28 00:35:14,751 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ] agent options:

2015-04-28 00:35:14,752 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]  args:

2015-04-28 00:35:14,753 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    conf                          : None

2015-04-28 00:35:14,753 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    dest_access_key               : ****************

2015-04-28 00:35:14,753 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    dest_secret_key               : ****************

2015-04-28 00:35:14,753 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    destination                   :

2015-04-28 00:35:14,753 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    incremental_sync_delay        : 30

2015-04-28 00:35:14,754 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    lock_timeout                  : 60

2015-04-28 00:35:14,754 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    log_file                      : /var/log/radosgw/radosgw-sync-us-east-west.log

2015-04-28 00:35:14,756 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    log_lock_time                 : 20

2015-04-28 00:35:14,756 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    max_entries                   : 1000

2015-04-28 00:35:14,757 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    metadata_only                 : False

2015-04-28 00:35:14,757 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    num_workers                   : 1

2015-04-28 00:35:14,758 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    object_sync_timeout           : 216000

2015-04-28 00:35:14,758 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    prepare_error_delay           : 10

2015-04-28 00:35:14,758 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    quiet                         : False

2015-04-28 00:35:14,758 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    rgw_data_log_window           : 30

2015-04-28 00:35:14,759 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    source                        : None

2015-04-28 00:35:14,759 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    src_access_key                : ****************

2015-04-28 00:35:14,759 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    src_secret_key                : ****************

2015-04-28 00:35:14,759 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    src_zone                      : None

2015-04-28 00:35:14,759 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    sync_scope                    : incremental

2015-04-28 00:35:14,760 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    test_server_host              : None

2015-04-28 00:35:14,760 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    test_server_port              : 8080

2015-04-28 00:35:14,761 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    verbose                       : False

2015-04-28 00:35:14,761 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ]    versioned                     : False

2015-04-28 00:35:14,761 5132 [radosgw_agent.client][INFO  ] creating connection to endpoint:

region map is: {u'us': [u'us-west', u'us-east']}

2015-04-28 00:35:14,781 5132 [radosgw_agent][INFO  ] endpoint does not support versioning

2015-04-28 00:35:14,781 5132 [radosgw_agent][WARNIN] encountered issues reaching to endpoint

2015-04-28 00:35:14,782 5132 [radosgw_agent][WARNIN] HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

2015-04-28 00:35:14,782 5132 [radosgw_agent.client][INFO  ] creating connection to endpoint:

2015-04-28 00:35:14,784 5132 [radosgw_agent.client][INFO  ] creating connection to endpoint:

2015-04-28 00:35:14,785 5132 [radosgw_agent.client][INFO  ] creating connection to endpoint:

2015-04-28 00:35:14,787 5132 [radosgw_agent.client][INFO  ] creating connection to endpoint:

2015-04-28 00:35:14,807 5132 [radosgw_agent.sync][ERROR ] finding number of shards failed

2015-04-28 00:35:14,807 5132 [radosgw_agent.sync][WARNIN] error preparing for sync, will retry. Traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 30, in prepare_sync


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 208, in prepare


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 77, in init_num_shards

    self.num_shards = client.num_log_shards(self.src_conn, self.type)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 403, in num_log_shards

    out = request(connection, 'get', 'admin/log', dict(type=shard_type))

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 147, in request


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 89, in check_result_status

    exc.HttpError)(result.status, result.reason)

HttpError: Http error code 403 content Forbidden

2015-04-28 00:35:24,826 5132 [radosgw_agent.sync][ERROR ] finding number of shards failed

2015-04-28 00:35:24,826 5132 [radosgw_agent.sync][WARNIN] error preparing for sync, will retry. Traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 30, in prepare_sync


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 208, in prepare


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 77, in init_num_shards

    self.num_shards = client.num_log_shards(self.src_conn, self.type)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 403, in num_log_shards

    out = request(connection, 'get', 'admin/log', dict(type=shard_type))

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 147, in request


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 89, in check_result_status

    exc.HttpError)(result.status, result.reason)

HttpError: Http error code 403 content Forbidden

^C2015-04-28 00:35:25,609 5132 [radosgw_agent][ERROR ] KeyboardInterrupt

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# curl

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns=""><Owner><ID>anonymous</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# curl

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns=""><Owner><ID>anonymous</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# radosgw-admin region-map get --name

{ "regions": [

        { "key": "us",

          "val": { "name": "us",

              "api_name": "us",

              "is_master": "true",

              "endpoints": [


              "master_zone": "us-east",

              "zones": [

                    { "name": "us-east",

                      "endpoints": [


                      "log_meta": "true",

                      "log_data": "true"},

                    { "name": "us-west",

                      "endpoints": [


                      "log_meta": "true",

                      "log_data": "true"}],

              "placement_targets": [

                    { "name": "default-placement",

                      "tags": []}],

              "default_placement": "default-placement"}}],

  "master_region": "us",

  "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,

      "max_size_kb": -1,

      "max_objects": -1},

  "user_quota": { "enabled": false,

      "max_size_kb": -1,

      "max_objects": -1}}[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# radosgw-admin region-map get --name

{ "regions": [

        { "key": "us",

          "val": { "name": "us",

              "api_name": "us",

              "is_master": "true",

              "endpoints": [


              "master_zone": "us-east",

              "zones": [

                    { "name": "us-east",

                      "endpoints": [


                      "log_meta": "true",

                      "log_data": "true"},

                    { "name": "us-west",

                      "endpoints": [


                      "log_meta": "true",

                      "log_data": "true"}],

              "placement_targets": [

                    { "name": "default-placement",

                      "tags": []}],

              "default_placement": "default-placement"}}],

  "master_region": "us",

  "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,

      "max_size_kb": -1,

      "max_objects": -1},

  "user_quota": { "enabled": false,

      "max_size_kb": -1,

      "max_objects": -1}}[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

- VS -

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:59 PM, Alfredo Deza <adeza@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Vickey (and all)

It looks like this issue was introduced as part of the 1.2.1 release.

I just finished getting 1.2.2 out (try upgrading please). You should no longer see that

Hope that helps!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Lewis" <clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Vickey Singh" <vickey.singh22693@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 4:23:52 PM
Subject: Re: Ceph Radosgw multi zone data replication failure

> [root@us-east-1 ceph] # ceph -s --name

> [root@us-east-1 ceph]# ceph -s --name

Are you trying to setup two zones on one cluster? That's possible, but you'll also want to spend some time on your CRUSH map making sure that the two zones are as independent as possible (no shared disks, etc).

Are you using Civetweb or Apache + FastCGI?

Can you include the output (from both clusters):
radosgw-admin region get
radosgw-admin zone get

Double check that both system users exist in both clusters, with the same secret.

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Vickey Singh < vickey.singh22693@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:

Hello Geeks

I am trying to setup Ceph Radosgw multi site data replication using official documentation

Everything seems to work except radosgw-agent sync , Request you to please check the below outputs and help me in any possible way.

Environment :

CentOS 7.0.1406

Ceph Versino 0.87.1

Rados Gateway configured using Civetweb

Radosgw zone list : Works nicely

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# radosgw-admin zone list --name

{ "zones": [



[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

Curl request to master zone : Works nicely

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# curl

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns=" "><Owner><ID>anonymous</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

Curl request to secondary zone : Works nicely

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# curl

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns=" "><Owner><ID>anonymous</ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><Buckets></Buckets></ListAllMyBucketsResult>

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

Rados Gateway agent configuration file : Seems correct, no TYPO errors

[root@us-east-1 ceph] # cat cluster-data-sync.conf

src_access_key: M7QAKDH8CYGTK86CG93U

src_secret_key: 0xQR6PINk23W\/GYrWJ14aF+1stG56M6xMkqkdloO


dest_access_key: ZQ32ES1WAWPG05YMZ7T7

dest_secret_key: INvk8AkrZRsejLEL34yRpMLmOqydt8ncOXy4RHCM

log_file: /var/log/radosgw/radosgw-sync-us-east-west.log

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

Rados Gateway agent SYNC : Fails , however it can fetch region map so i think src and dest KEYS are correct. But don't know why it fails on AttributeError

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# radosgw-agent -c cluster-data-sync.conf

region map is: {u'us': [u'us-west', u'us-east']}

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/bin/radosgw-agent", line 21, in <module>


File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radosgw_agent/", line 275, in main

except client.ClientException as e:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ClientException'

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

Can query to Ceph cluster using us-east-1 ID

[root@us-east-1 ceph] # ceph -s --name

cluster 9609b429-eee2-4e23-af31-28a24fcf5cbc

health HEALTH_OK

monmap e3: 3 mons at {ceph-node1=,ceph-node2=,ceph-node3= }, election epoch 448, quorum 0,1,2 ceph-node1,ceph-node2,ceph-node3

osdmap e1063: 9 osds: 9 up, 9 in

pgmap v8473: 1500 pgs, 43 pools, 374 MB data, 2852 objects

1193 MB used, 133 GB / 134 GB avail

1500 active+clean

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

Can query to Ceph cluster using us-west-1 ID

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# ceph -s --name

cluster 9609b429-eee2-4e23-af31-28a24fcf5cbc

health HEALTH_OK

monmap e3: 3 mons at {ceph-node1=,ceph-node2=,ceph-node3= }, election epoch 448, quorum 0,1,2 ceph-node1,ceph-node2,ceph-node3

osdmap e1063: 9 osds: 9 up, 9 in

pgmap v8473: 1500 pgs, 43 pools, 374 MB data, 2852 objects

1193 MB used, 133 GB / 134 GB avail

1500 active+clean

[root@us-east-1 ceph]#

Hope these packages are correct

[root@us-east-1 ceph]# rpm -qa | egrep -i "ceph|radosgw"








[root@us-east-1 ceph]#



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