Yes, it sure is - my experience with 'consumer' SSD is that they die
with obscure firmware bugs (wrong capacity, zero capacity, not detected
in bios anymore) rather than flash wearout. It seems that the
'enterprise' tagged drives are less inclined to suffer this fate.
On 18/04/15 22:23, Andrija Panic wrote:
these 2 drives, are on the regular SATA (on board)controler, and beside
this, there is 12 x 4TB on the fron of the servers - normal backplane on
the front.
Anyway, we are going to check those dead SSDs on a pc/laptop or so,just
to confirm they are really dead - but this is the way they die, not wear
out, but simply show different space instead of real one - thse were 3
months old only when they died...
On 18 April 2015 at 11:55, Josef Johansson <josef86@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:josef86@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
If the same chassi/chip/backplane is behind both drives and maybe
other drives in the chassi have troubles,it may be a defect there as
On 18 Apr 2015 09:42, "Steffen W Sørensen" <stefws@xxxxxx
<mailto:stefws@xxxxxx>> wrote:
> On 17/04/2015, at 21.07, Andrija Panic
<andrija.panic@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:andrija.panic@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> nah....Samsun 850 PRO 128GB - dead after 3months - 2 of these
died... wearing level is 96%, so only 4% wasted... (yes I know
these are not enterprise,etc… )
Damn… but maybe your surname says it all - Don’t Panic :) But
making sure same type of SSD devices ain’t of near same age and
doing preventive replacement rotation might be good practice I
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