Re: Upgrade from Giant 0.87-1 to Hammer 0.94-1

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On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 10:46:35 +0200 Steffen W Sørensen wrote:

> > That later change would have _increased_ the number of recommended PG,
> > not decreased it.
> Weird as our Giant health status was ok before upgrading to Hammer…
I'm pretty sure the "too many" check was added around then, and the the
"too little" warning one earlier.

> > With your cluster 2048 PGs total (all pools combined!) would be the
> > sweet spot, see:
> > 
> > <>
> Had read this originally when creating the cluster
> > It seems to me that you increased PG counts assuming that the formula
> > is per pool.
> Well yes maybe, believe we bumped PGs per status complain in Giant
> mentioned explicit different pool names, eg. too few PGs in <pool-name>…
Probably something like "less then 20 PGs" or some such, right?

> so we naturally bumped mentioned pools slightly up til next 2-power
> until health stop complaining and yes we wondered over this relative
> high number of PGs in total for the cluster, as we initially had read
> pgcalc and thought we understood this.

Your cluster (OSD count) needs (should really, it is not a hard failure
but a warning) to be high enough to satisfy the minimum amount of PGs, so
(too) many pools with a small cluster will leave you between a rock and
hard place.

> <> not responsding presently…
It's being DoS'ed last I heard.

> - are you saying one needs to consider in advance #pools in a cluster
> and factor this in when calculating the number of PGs?
Yes. Of course the idea is that pools consume space, so if you have many,
you also will have more OSDs to spread your PGs around.

> - If so, how to decide which pool gets what #PG, as this is set per
> pool, especially if one can’t precalc the amount objects ending up in
> each pool?

Dead reckoning. 
As in, you should have some idea which pool is going to receive how much

> But yes understand also that more pools means more PGs per OSD, does
> this imply using different pools to segregate various data f.ex. per
> application in same cluster is a bad idea?
It certainly can be.

> Using pools as sort of name space segregation makes it easy f.e. to
> remove/migration data per application and thus a handy segregation tool
> ImHO.
Certainly, but unless you have a large enough cluster and pools that have
predictable utilization, fewer pools are the answer.
> - Are the BCP to consolidate data in few pools per cluster?

It is for me, as I have clusters of similar small size and only one type
of usage, RBD images. So they have 1 or 2 pools and that's it.

This also results in the smoothest data distribution possible of course.


> /Steffen

Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
chibi@xxxxxxx   	Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Communications
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