Re: Radosgw authorization failed

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> Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 11:43:44 -0400
> From: yehuda@xxxxxxxxxx
> To: neville.taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Radosgw authorization failed
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Neville" <neville.taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 8:16:39 AM
> > Subject: Radosgw authorization failed
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm testing backup product which supports Amazon S3 as target for Archive
> > storage and I'm trying to setup a Ceph cluster configured with the S3 API to
> > use as an internal target for backup archives instead of AWS.
> >
> > I've followed the online guide for setting up Radosgw and created a default
> > region and zone based on the AWS naming convention US-East-1. I'm not sure
> > if this is relevant but since I was having issues I thought it might need to
> > be the same.
> >
> > I've tested the radosgw using boto.s3 and it seems to work ok i.e. I can
> > create a bucket, create a folder, list buckets etc. The problem is when the
> > backup software tries to create an object I get an authorization failure.
> > It's using the same user/access/secret as I'm using from boto.s3 and I'm
> > sure the creds are right as it lets me create the initial connection, it
> > just fails when trying to create an object (backup folder).
> >
> > Here's the extract from the radosgw log:
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449227 7f1050dc7700 2 req 5:0.000419:s3:GET
> > /:list_bucket:init op
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449232 7f1050dc7700 2 req 5:0.000424:s3:GET
> > /:list_bucket:verifying op mask
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449234 7f1050dc7700 20 required_mask= 1 user.op_mask=7
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449235 7f1050dc7700 2 req 5:0.000427:s3:GET
> > /:list_bucket:verifying op permissions
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449237 7f1050dc7700 5 Searching permissions for uid=test
> > mask=49
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449238 7f1050dc7700 5 Found permission: 15
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449239 7f1050dc7700 5 Searching permissions for group=1
> > mask=49
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449240 7f1050dc7700 5 Found permission: 15
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449241 7f1050dc7700 5 Searching permissions for group=2
> > mask=49
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449242 7f1050dc7700 5 Found permission: 15
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449243 7f1050dc7700 5 Getting permissions id=test
> > owner=test perm=1
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449244 7f1050dc7700 10 uid=test requested perm (type)=1,
> > policy perm=1, user_perm_mask=1, acl perm=1
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449245 7f1050dc7700 2 req 5:0.000437:s3:GET
> > /:list_bucket:verifying op params
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449247 7f1050dc7700 2 req 5:0.000439:s3:GET
> > /:list_bucket:executing
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.449252 7f1050dc7700 10 cls_bucket_list
> > test1(@{}.us-east.rgw.buckets[us-east.280959.2])
> > start num 1001
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.450828 7f1050dc7700 2 req 5:0.002020:s3:GET
> > /:list_bucket:http status=200
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.450832 7f1050dc7700 1 ====== req done req=0x7f107000e2e0
> > http_status=200 ======
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.516999 7f1069df9700 20 enqueued request
> > req=0x7f107000f0e0
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517006 7f1069df9700 20 RGWWQ:
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517007 7f1069df9700 20 req: 0x7f107000f0e0
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517010 7f1069df9700 10 allocated request
> > req=0x7f107000f6b0
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517021 7f1058dd7700 20 dequeued request
> > req=0x7f107000f0e0
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517023 7f1058dd7700 20 RGWWQ: empty
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517081 7f1058dd7700 20 CONTENT_LENGTH=88
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517084 7f1058dd7700 20
> > CONTENT_TYPE=application/octet-stream
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517085 7f1058dd7700 20 CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517086 7f1058dd7700 20 CONTEXT_PREFIX=
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517087 7f1058dd7700 20 DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517088 7f1058dd7700 20 FCGI_ROLE=RESPONDER
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517089 7f1058dd7700 20 GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517090 7f1058dd7700 20 HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=AWS
> > F79L68W19B3GCLOSE3F8:AcXqtvlBzBMpwdL+WuhDRoLT/Bs=
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517091 7f1058dd7700 20 HTTP_CONNECTION=Keep-Alive
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517092 7f1058dd7700 20 HTTP_DATE=Wed, 25 Mar 2015
> > 15:07:26 GMT
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517092 7f1058dd7700 20 HTTP_EXPECT=100-continue
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517093 7f1058dd7700 20
> > HTTP_HOST=test1.devops-os-cog01.devops.local
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517094 7f1058dd7700 20
> > HTTP_USER_AGENT=aws-sdk-java/unknown-version Windows_Server_2008_R2/6.1
> > Java_HotSpot(TM)_Client_VM/24.55-b03
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517096 7f1058dd7700 20
> > HTTP_X_AMZ_META_CREATIONTIME=2015-03-25T15:07:26
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517097 7f1058dd7700 20 HTTP_X_AMZ_META_SIZE=88
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517098 7f1058dd7700 20 HTTP_X_AMZ_STORAGE_CLASS=STANDARD
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517099 7f1058dd7700 20 HTTPS=on
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517100 7f1058dd7700 20
> > PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517100 7f1058dd7700 20 QUERY_STRING=
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517101 7f1058dd7700 20 REMOTE_ADDR=
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517102 7f1058dd7700 20 REMOTE_PORT=55439
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517103 7f1058dd7700 20 REQUEST_METHOD=PUT
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517104 7f1058dd7700 20 REQUEST_SCHEME=https
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517105 7f1058dd7700 20
> > REQUEST_URI=/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517106 7f1058dd7700 20 SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/s3gw.fcgi
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517107 7f1058dd7700 20
> > SCRIPT_NAME=/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517108 7f1058dd7700 20
> > SCRIPT_URI=https://test1.devops-os-cog01.devops.local/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517109 7f1058dd7700 20
> > SCRIPT_URL=/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517110 7f1058dd7700 20 SERVER_ADDR=
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517111 7f1058dd7700 20 SERVER_ADMIN=no-one@devops.local
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517112 7f1058dd7700 20
> > SERVER_NAME=test1.devops-os-cog01.devops.local
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517113 7f1058dd7700 20 SERVER_PORT=443
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517114 7f1058dd7700 20 SERVER_PORT_SECURE=443
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517115 7f1058dd7700 20 SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517116 7f1058dd7700 20 SERVER_SIGNATURE=
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517117 7f1058dd7700 20 SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/2.4.7
> > (Ubuntu)
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517119 7f1058dd7700 1 ====== starting new request
> > req=0x7f107000f0e0 =====
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517129 7f1058dd7700 2 req 6:0.000010::PUT
> > /ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3::initializing
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517132 7f1058dd7700 10
> > host=test1.devops-os-cog01.devops.local
> > rgw_dns_name=devops-os-cog01.devops.local
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517143 7f1058dd7700 10 meta>>
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517147 7f1058dd7700 10 meta>> HTTP_X_AMZ_META_SIZE
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517150 7f1058dd7700 10 meta>> HTTP_X_AMZ_STORAGE_CLASS
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517155 7f1058dd7700 10 x>>
> > x-amz-meta-creationtime:2015-03-25T15:07:26
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517156 7f1058dd7700 10 x>> x-amz-meta-size:88
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517157 7f1058dd7700 10 x>> x-amz-storage-class:STANDARD
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517167 7f1058dd7700 10
> > s->object=ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3 s->bucket=test1
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517171 7f1058dd7700 2 req 6:0.000052:s3:PUT
> > /ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3::getting op
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517175 7f1058dd7700 2 req 6:0.000055:s3:PUT
> > /ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3:put_obj:authorizing
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517209 7f1058dd7700 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f106c025ce0
> > state=0x7f106c0260b8
> > s->prefetch_data=0
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517215 7f1058dd7700 10 cache get:
> > : hit
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517219 7f1058dd7700 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set
> > empty
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517224 7f1058dd7700 10 cache get:
> > : hit
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517248 7f1058dd7700 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f106c025ce0
> > state=0x7f106c0267c8 s->prefetch_data=0
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517252 7f1058dd7700 10 cache get:
> > : hit
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517256 7f1058dd7700 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set
> > empty
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517261 7f1058dd7700 10 cache get:
> > : hit
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517296 7f1058dd7700 10 get_canon_resource():
> > dest=/test1/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517298 7f1058dd7700 10 auth_hdr:
> > PUT
> > application/octet-stream
> > Wed, 25 Mar 2015 15:07:26 GMT
> > x-amz-meta-creationtime:2015-03-25T15:07:26
> > x-amz-meta-size:88
> > x-amz-storage-class:STANDARD
> > /test1/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517341 7f1058dd7700 15 calculated
> > digest=coYY2IBRECc42IXE7HQlYxBcqfU=
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517343 7f1058dd7700 15
> > auth_sign=AcXqtvlBzBMpwdL+WuhDRoLT/Bs=
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517344 7f1058dd7700 15 compare=-34
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517346 7f1058dd7700 10 failed to authorize request
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517363 7f1058dd7700 2 req 6:0.000244:s3:PUT
> > /ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3:put_obj:http status=403
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517367 7f1058dd7700 1 ====== req done req=0x7f107000f0e0
> > http_status=403 ======
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:26.517374 7f1058dd7700 20 process_request() returned -1
> > 2015-03-25 15:07:28.058030 7f1088ff9700 2
> > RGWDataChangesLog::ChangesRenewThread: start
> Nothing pops up as being wrong. Assuming the first and second requests were done using the same credentials, I would guess that it might be the client incorrectly creating the canonical representation of the request. Maybe it doesn't use the x-amz-storage-class correctly there?. Can you try verifying what is the plain text signature string that it's using? Also, try disabling the storage class param, see if it makes any difference.
> Yehuda
I've looked through the application logs but it doesn't appear to capture what the request string is that it's using. I also can't find out any way of disabling the x-amz-storage-class unfortunately. I did test the application against AWS S3 and the functionality I'm trying to use seems to work fine so it suggests it is a problem with my Ceph implementation. To help troubleshoot I've tried to capture some different requests for comparison:
GET request from backup application (Successful):
2015-03-30 11:55:05.331145 7f103f5a4700 10 get_canon_resource(): dest=/test1/
2015-03-30 11:55:05.331148 7f103f5a4700 10 auth_hdr:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
Mon, 30 Mar 2015 10:55:05 GMT
2015-03-30 11:55:05.331195 7f103f5a4700 15 calculated digest=4tEUx7ERu+joNwYWrQboPhy/+Y4=
2015-03-30 11:55:05.331197 7f103f5a4700 15 auth_sign=4tEUx7ERu+joNwYWrQboPhy/+Y4=
2015-03-30 11:55:05.331198 7f103f5a4700 15 compare=0
2015-03-30 11:55:05.331200 7f103f5a4700  2 req 167:0.000252:s3:GET /:list_bucket:reading permissions
2015-03-30 11:55:05.331239 7f103f5a4700 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f103f5a3230 state=0x7f109d479098 s->prefetch_data=0
2015-03-30 11:55:05.331245 7f103f5a4700 10 cache get: : hit
PUT request from backup application (Fails):
2015-03-30 11:55:05.414753 7f105cddf700 10 get_canon_resource(): dest=/test1/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3
2015-03-30 11:55:05.414755 7f105cddf700 10 auth_hdr:
Mon, 30 Mar 2015 10:55:05 GMT
2015-03-30 11:55:05.414800 7f105cddf700 15 calculated digest=DtPnePmBb00mfJgAr/z+uW70Unc=
2015-03-30 11:55:05.414802 7f105cddf700 15 auth_sign=iK1Wkt0uoIif9udGTf1P1fqF6Bk=
2015-03-30 11:55:05.414803 7f105cddf700 15 compare=37
2015-03-30 11:55:05.414805 7f105cddf700 10 failed to authorize request
PUT request from "S3 Browser" application using S3 compatible connection (Successful):
2015-03-30 13:07:47.433691 7f10445ae700 10 get_canon_resource(): dest=/test1/february/?acl
2015-03-30 13:07:47.433694 7f10445ae700 10 auth_hdr:
x-amz-date:Mon, 30 Mar 2015 12:07:47 GMT
2015-03-30 13:07:47.433740 7f10445ae700 15 calculated digest=9g91r6RZ3YCZawt+H4YuGaSlffQ=
2015-03-30 13:07:47.433742 7f10445ae700 15 auth_sign=9g91r6RZ3YCZawt+H4YuGaSlffQ=
2015-03-30 13:07:47.433743 7f10445ae700 15 compare=0
2015-03-30 13:07:47.433745 7f10445ae700  2 req 183:0.000227:s3:PUT /test1/february/:put_acls:reading permissions
PUT request using boto S3 (Successful):
2015-03-30 13:26:29.394718 7f103f5a4700 10 get_canon_resource(): dest=/test1/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3/
2015-03-30 13:26:29.394721 7f103f5a4700 10 auth_hdr:
Mon, 30 Mar 2015 12:26:02 GMT
2015-03-30 13:26:29.394821 7f103f5a4700 15 calculated digest=ljvCTLAqySSfcJ3baWfK5776kJM=
2015-03-30 13:26:29.394823 7f103f5a4700 15 auth_sign=ljvCTLAqySSfcJ3baWfK5776kJM=
2015-03-30 13:26:29.394824 7f103f5a4700 15 compare=0
2015-03-30 13:26:29.394828 7f103f5a4700  2 req 188:0.000414:s3:PUT /test1/ca_ccifs_c6dccf63-ec57-45b2-87e7-d9b14b971ca3/:put_obj:reading permissions
Does this help at all? Is it fair to assume it's not the application if it works ok with AWS S3? I'm wondering if there is a bug in the S3 implementation on Ceph which mean it handles one of these headers incorrectly:
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