Re: How to see the content of an EC Pool after recreate the SSD-Cache tier?

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On 03/26/2015 10:46 AM, Gregory Farnum wrote:
I don't know why you're mucking about manually with the rbd directory;
the rbd tool and rados handle cache pools correctly as far as I know.

That's true, but the rados tool should be able to manipulate binary data more easily. It should probably be able to read from a file or stdin for this.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Udo Lembke <ulembke@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Greg,

It's looks like, that my problem is more setomapval-related...

I must o something like
rados -p ssd-archiv setomapval rbd_directory name_vm-409-disk-2 "\0x0f\0x00\0x00\0x00"2cfc7ce74b0dc51

but "rados setomapval" don't use the hexvalues - instead of this I got
rados -p ssd-archiv listomapvals rbd_directory
value: (35 bytes) :
0000 : 5c 30 78 30 66 5c 30 78 30 30 5c 30 78 30 30 5c : \0x0f\0x00\0x00\
0010 : 30 78 30 30 32 63 66 63 37 63 65 37 34 62 30 64 : 0x002cfc7ce74b0d
0020 : 63 35 31                                        : c51

hmm, strange. With  "rados -p ssd-archiv getomapval rbd_directory name_vm-409-disk-2 name_vm-409-disk-2"
I got the binary inside the file name_vm-409-disk-2, but reverse do an
"rados -p ssd-archiv setomapval rbd_directory name_vm-409-disk-2 name_vm-409-disk-2"
fill the variable with name_vm-409-disk-2 and not with the content of the file...

Are there other tools for the rbd_directory?



Am 26.03.2015 15:03, schrieb Gregory Farnum:
You shouldn't rely on "rados ls" when working with cache pools. It
doesn't behave properly and is a silly operation to run against a pool
of any size even when it does. :)

More specifically, "rados ls" is invoking the "pgls" operation. Normal
read/write ops will go query the backing store for objects if they're
not in the cache tier. pgls is different — it just tells you what
objects are present in the PG on that OSD right now. So any objects
which aren't in cache won't show up when listing on the cache pool.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 3:43 AM, Udo Lembke <ulembke@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
due an very silly approach, I removed the cache tier of an filled EC pool.

After recreate the pool and connect with the EC pool I don't see any content.
How can I see the rbd_data and other files through the new ssd cache tier?

I think, that I must recreate the rbd_directory (and fill with setomapval), but I don't see anything yet!

$ rados ls -p ecarchiv | more

$ rados ls -p ssd-archiv
#### nothing ####

generation of the cache tier:
$ rados mkpool ssd-archiv
$ ceph osd pool set ssd-archiv crush_ruleset 5
$ ceph osd tier add ecarchiv ssd-archiv
$ ceph osd tier cache-mode ssd-archiv writeback
$ ceph osd pool set ssd-archiv hit_set_type bloom
$ ceph osd pool set ssd-archiv hit_set_count 1
$ ceph osd pool set ssd-archiv hit_set_period 3600
$ ceph osd pool set ssd-archiv target_max_bytes 50000000000

rule ssd {
         ruleset 5
         type replicated
         min_size 1
         max_size 10
         step take ssd
         step choose firstn 0 type osd
         step emit

Are there any "magic" (or which command I missed?) to see the excisting data throug the cache tier?

regards - and hoping for answers

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