Finding out how much data is in the journal

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Hi all!

Trying to figure out how much my journals are used, using SSDs as journals and SATA-drives as storage, I dive into perf dump.
But I can’t figure out why journal_queue_bytes is at constant 0. The only thing that differs is dirtied in WBThrottle.

Maybe I’ve disable that when setting the in-memory debug variables to 0/0?


# ceph --version
ceph version 0.67.7 (d7ab4244396b57aac8b7e80812115bbd079e6b73)

# ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.0.asok config show | grep journal
  "journaler": "0\/0",
  "journal": "0\/0",
  "journaler_allow_split_entries": "true",
  "journaler_write_head_interval": "15",
  "journaler_prefetch_periods": "10",
  "journaler_prezero_periods": "5",
  "journaler_batch_interval": "0.001",
  "journaler_batch_max": "0",
  "mds_kill_journal_at": "0",
  "mds_kill_journal_expire_at": "0",
  "mds_kill_journal_replay_at": "0",
  "osd_journal": "\/var\/lib\/ceph\/osd\/ceph-0\/journal",
  "osd_journal_size": "25600",
  "filestore_fsync_flushes_journal_data": "false",
  "filestore_journal_parallel": "false",
  "filestore_journal_writeahead": "false",
  "filestore_journal_trailing": "false",
  "journal_dio": "true",
  "journal_aio": "true",
  "journal_force_aio": "false",
  "journal_max_corrupt_search": "10485760",
  "journal_block_align": "true",
  "journal_write_header_frequency": "0",
  "journal_max_write_bytes": "10485760",
  "journal_max_write_entries": "100",
  "journal_queue_max_ops": "300",
  "journal_queue_max_bytes": "33554432",
  "journal_align_min_size": "65536",
  "journal_replay_from": "0",
  "journal_zero_on_create": "false",
  "journal_ignore_corruption": "false",

# ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.0.asok perf dump
{ "WBThrottle": { "bytes_dirtied": 32137216,
      "bytes_wb": 0,
      "ios_dirtied": 1445,
      "ios_wb": 0,
      "inodes_dirtied": 491,
      "inodes_wb": 0},
  "filestore": { "journal_queue_max_ops": 300,
      "journal_queue_ops": 0,
      "journal_ops": 116105073,
      "journal_queue_max_bytes": 33554432,
      "journal_queue_bytes": 0,
      "journal_bytes": 3160504432839,
      "journal_latency": { "avgcount": 116105073,
          "sum": 64951.260611000},
      "journal_wr": 112261141,
      "journal_wr_bytes": { "avgcount": 112261141,
          "sum": 3426141528064},
      "op_queue_max_ops": 50,
      "op_queue_ops": 0,
      "ops": 116105073,
      "op_queue_max_bytes": 104857600,
      "op_queue_bytes": 0,
      "bytes": 3159111228243,
      "apply_latency": { "avgcount": 116105073,
          "sum": 247410.066048000},
      "committing": 0,
      "commitcycle": 267176,
      "commitcycle_interval": { "avgcount": 267176,
          "sum": 1873193.631124000},
      "commitcycle_latency": { "avgcount": 267176,
          "sum": 390421.062990000},
      "journal_full": 0,
      "queue_transaction_latency_avg": { "avgcount": 116105073,
          "sum": 378.948923000}},
  "leveldb": { "leveldb_get": 699871216,
      "leveldb_transaction": 522440246,
      "leveldb_compact": 0,
      "leveldb_compact_range": 0,
      "leveldb_compact_queue_merge": 0,
      "leveldb_compact_queue_len": 0},
  "mutex-FileJournal::completions_lock": { "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "mutex-FileJournal::finisher_lock": { "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "mutex-FileJournal::write_lock": { "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "mutex-FileJournal::writeq_lock": { "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "mutex-JOS::ApplyManager::apply_lock": { "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "mutex-JOS::ApplyManager::com_lock": { "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "mutex-JOS::SubmitManager::lock": { "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "mutex-WBThrottle::lock": { "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "osd": { "opq": 0,
      "op_wip": 0,
      "op": 83920139,
      "op_in_bytes": 1075345387581,
      "op_out_bytes": 954428806331,
      "op_latency": { "avgcount": 83920139,
          "sum": 1279934.620502000},
      "op_r": 32399024,
      "op_r_out_bytes": 953657617715,
      "op_r_latency": { "avgcount": 32399024,
          "sum": 238792.729743000},
      "op_w": 3321731,
      "op_w_in_bytes": 52637941027,
      "op_w_rlat": { "avgcount": 3321731,
          "sum": 15577.620040000},
      "op_w_latency": { "avgcount": 3321731,
          "sum": 62541.746123000},
      "op_rw": 48199384,
      "op_rw_in_bytes": 1022707446554,
      "op_rw_out_bytes": 771188616,
      "op_rw_rlat": { "avgcount": 48199384,
          "sum": 169776.087496000},
      "op_rw_latency": { "avgcount": 48199384,
          "sum": 978600.144636000},
      "subop": 73746080,
      "subop_in_bytes": 2008774955062,
      "subop_latency": { "avgcount": 73746080,
          "sum": 346096.627047000},
      "subop_w": 0,
      "subop_w_in_bytes": 2008774955062,
      "subop_w_latency": { "avgcount": 73746080,
          "sum": 346096.627047000},
      "subop_pull": 0,
      "subop_pull_latency": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000},
      "subop_push": 0,
      "subop_push_in_bytes": 0,
      "subop_push_latency": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000},
      "pull": 0,
      "push": 8255,
      "push_out_bytes": 24792364384,
      "push_in": 0,
      "push_in_bytes": 0,
      "recovery_ops": 8126,
      "loadavg": 585,
      "buffer_bytes": 0,
      "numpg": 402,
      "numpg_primary": 161,
      "numpg_replica": 241,
      "numpg_stray": 0,
      "heartbeat_to_peers": 38,
      "heartbeat_from_peers": 0,
      "map_messages": 15262,
      "map_message_epochs": 70160,
      "map_message_epoch_dups": 116821,
      "messages_delayed_for_map": 105,
      "peering_latency": { "avgcount": 628,
          "sum": 28166.821628000}},
  "throttle-filestore_bytes": { "val": 0,
      "max": 33554432,
      "get": 0,
      "get_sum": 0,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 116105073,
      "take_sum": 3160504432839,
      "put": 112261141,
      "put_sum": 3160504432839,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 12,
          "sum": 0.097590000}},
  "throttle-filestore_ops": { "val": 0,
      "max": 300,
      "get": 0,
      "get_sum": 0,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 116105073,
      "take_sum": 116105073,
      "put": 112261141,
      "put_sum": 116105073,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "throttle-msgr_dispatch_throttler-client": { "val": 0,
      "max": 104857600,
      "get": 75187594,
      "get_sum": 978560902803,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 0,
      "take_sum": 0,
      "put": 75187594,
      "put_sum": 978560902803,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "throttle-msgr_dispatch_throttler-cluster": { "val": 0,
      "max": 104857600,
      "get": 159487799,
      "get_sum": 2119870334346,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 0,
      "take_sum": 0,
      "put": 159487799,
      "put_sum": 2119870334346,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "throttle-msgr_dispatch_throttler-hb_back_server": { "val": 0,
      "max": 104857600,
      "get": 19958614,
      "get_sum": 938054858,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 0,
      "take_sum": 0,
      "put": 19958614,
      "put_sum": 938054858,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "throttle-msgr_dispatch_throttler-hb_front_server": { "val": 0,
      "max": 104857600,
      "get": 19958614,
      "get_sum": 938054858,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 0,
      "take_sum": 0,
      "put": 19958614,
      "put_sum": 938054858,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "throttle-msgr_dispatch_throttler-hbclient": { "val": 0,
      "max": 104857600,
      "get": 44608572,
      "get_sum": 2096602884,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 0,
      "take_sum": 0,
      "put": 44608572,
      "put_sum": 2096602884,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "throttle-osd_client_bytes": { "val": 0,
      "max": 524288000,
      "get": 74786210,
      "get_sum": 978238232914,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 0,
      "take_sum": 0,
      "put": 117138891,
      "put_sum": 978238232914,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 0,
          "sum": 0.000000000}},
  "throttle-osd_client_messages": { "val": 17,
      "max": 100,
      "get": 75909689,
      "get_sum": 75909689,
      "get_or_fail_fail": 0,
      "get_or_fail_success": 0,
      "take": 0,
      "take_sum": 0,
      "put": 75909672,
      "put_sum": 75909672,
      "wait": { "avgcount": 478562,
          "sum": 5665.119305000}}}
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