Re: SSD Hardware recommendation

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Hi Josef,

I'm going to benchmark a 3nodes cluster with 6ssd each node (2x10 cores 3,1ghz).
>From my previous bench, you need fast cpus if you need a lot of iops, and writes are lot more expansive than reads.

Now i'm you are doing only small iops (big blocks / big throughput), you don't need too fast/many cores.

I'm going to use intel s3610 ssd for my production cluster, can't comment about samsung drive.

I'll try to post benchmark results in coming weeks.

----- Mail original -----
De: "Josef Johansson" <josef86@xxxxxxxxx>
À: "ceph-users" <ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Envoyé: Mercredi 18 Mars 2015 03:52:22
Objet:  SSD Hardware recommendation


I’m planning a Ceph SSD cluster, I know that we won’t get the full performance from the SSD in this case, but SATA won’t cut it as backend storage and SAS is the same price as SSD now. 

The backend network will be a 10GbE active/passive, but will be used mainly for MySQL, so we’re aiming for swallowing IO. 

So, for 10x SSD drivers, what kind of CPU would that need? Just go all out with two 10x cores 3.5GHz? 
I read somewhere that you should use as fast CPUs that you can afford. 

Planning on using the Samsung 845 DC EVO, anyone using these in current ceph clusters? 

We though of doing a cluster with 3 servers, and any recommendation of supermicro servers would be appreciated. 

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