Re: query about mapping of Swift/S3 APIs to Ceph cluster APIs

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On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 3:04 AM, pragya jain <prag_2648@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all!

I am working on Ceph object storage architecture from last few months.

I am unable to search  a document which can describe how Ceph object storage APIs (Swift/S3 APIs) are mappedd with Ceph storage cluster APIs (librados APIs) to store the data at Ceph storage cluster.

As the documents say: Radosgw, a gateway interface for ceph object storage users, accept user request to store or retrieve data in the form of Swift APIs or S3 APIs and convert the user's request in RADOS request.

Please help me in knowing
1. how does Radosgw convert user request to RADOS request ?
2. how are HTTP requests mapped with RADOS request?

The RadosGW daemon takes care of that.  It's an application that sits on top of RADOS.

For HTTP, there are a couple ways.  The older way has Apache accepting the HTTP request, then forwarding that to the RadosGW daemon using FastCGI.  Newer versions support RadosGW handling the HTTP directly.
For the full details, you'll want to check out the source code at

If you're not interested enough to read the source code (I wasn't :-) ), setup a test cluster.  Create a user, bucket, and object, and look at the contents of the rados pools.
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