Yes, the placement target feature is logically separate from multi-zone setups. Placement targets are configured in the region though, which somewhat muddies the issue.
Placement targets are useful feature for multi-zone, so different zones in a cluster don't share the same disks. Federation setup is the only place I've seen any discussion about the topic. Even that is just a brief mention. I didn't see any documentation directly talking about setting up placement targets, even in the federation guides.
It looks like you'll need to edit the default region to add the placement targets, but you won't need to setup zones. As far as I can tell, You'll have to piece together what you need from the federation setup and some experimentation. I highly recommend a test VM that you can experiment on before attempting anything in production.
On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 11:53 PM, Sreenath BH <bhsreenath@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Is this possible outside of multi-zone setup. (With only one Zone)?
For example, I want to have pools with different replication
factors(or erasure codings) and map users to these pools.
On 3/13/15, Craig Lewis <clewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, RadosGW has the concept of Placement Targets and Placement Pools. You
> can create a target, and point it a set of RADOS pools. Those pools can be
> configured to use different storage strategies by creating different
> crushmap rules, and assigning those rules to the pool.
> RGW users can be assigned a default placement target. When they create a
> bucket, they can either specify the target, or use their default one. All
> objects in a bucket are stored according to the bucket's placement target.
> I haven't seen a good guide for making use of these features. The best
> guide I know of is the Federation guide (
>, but it only briefly
> mentions placement targets.
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Sreenath BH <bhsreenath@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can one Radow gateway support more than one pool for storing objects?
>> And as a follow-up question, is there a way to map different users to
>> separate rgw pools so that their obejcts get stored in different
>> pools?
>> thanks,
>> Sreenath
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