Thanks Sage
I will create a “new feature” request on so that this discussion should not get buried under mailing list.
Developers can implement this as per their convenience.
Karan Singh Systems Specialist , Storage Platforms CSC - IT Center for Science, Keilaranta 14, P. O. Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland mobile: +358 503 812758 tel. +358 9 4572001 fax +358 9 4572302****************************************************************
On Tue, 10 Mar 2015, Christian Eichelmann wrote: Hi Sage,
we hit this problem a few monthes ago as well and it took us quite a while to figure out what's wrong.
As a Systemadministrator I don't like the idea that daemons or even init scripts are changing system wide configuration parameters, so I wouldn't like to see the OSDs do it themself.
This is my general feeling as well. As we move to systemd, I'd like to have the ceph unit file get away from this entirely and have the admin set these values in /etc/security/limits.conf or /etc/sysctl.d. The main thing making this problematic right now is that the daemons run as root instead of a 'ceph' user. The idea with the warning is on one hand a good hint, on the other hand it also may confuse people, since changing this setting is not required for common hardware.
If we make it warn only if it reaches > 50% of the threshold that is probably safe... sage Regards, Christian
On 03/09/2015 08:01 PM, Sage Weil wrote:
On Mon, 9 Mar 2015, Karan Singh wrote:
Thanks Guys kernel.pid_max=4194303 did the trick.
Great to hear! Sorry we missed that you only had it at 65536.
This is a really common problem that people hit when their clusters start to grow. Is there somewhere in the docs we can put this to catch more users? Or maybe a warning issued by the osds themselves or something if they see limits that are low?
- Karan -
On 09 Mar 2015, at 14:48, Christian Eichelmann <christian.eichelmann@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Karan,
as you are actually writing in your own book, the problem is the sysctl setting "kernel.pid_max". I've seen in your bug report that you were setting it to 65536, which is still to low for high density hardware.
In our cluster, one OSD server has in an idle situation about 66.000 Threads (60 OSDs per Server). The number of threads increases when you increase the number of placement groups in the cluster, which I think has triggered your problem.
Set the "kernel.pid_max" setting to 4194303 (the maximum) like Azad Aliyar suggested, and the problem should be gone.
Regards, Christian
Am 09.03.2015 11:41, schrieb Karan Singh: Hello Community need help to fix a long going Ceph problem.
Cluster is unhealthy , Multiple OSDs are DOWN. When i am trying to restart OSD?s i am getting this error
/2015-03-09 12:22:16.312774 7f760dac9700 -1 common/ <>: In function 'void Thread::create(size_t)' thread 7f760dac9700 time 2015-03-09 12:22:16.311970/ /common/ <>: 129: FAILED assert(ret == 0)/
*Environment *: 4 Nodes , OSD+Monitor , Firefly latest , CentOS6.5 , 3.17.2-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64
Tried upgrading from 0.80.7 to 0.80.8 but no Luck
Tried centOS stock kernel 2.6.32 but no Luck
Memory is not a problem more then 150+GB is free
Did any one every faced this problem ??
*Cluster status * * * / cluster 2bd3283d-67ef-4316-8b7e-d8f4747eae33/ / health HEALTH_WARN 7334 pgs degraded; 1185 pgs down; 1 pgs incomplete; 1735 pgs peering; 8938 pgs stale; 1/ /736 pgs stuck inactive; 8938 pgs stuck stale; 10320 pgs stuck unclean; recovery 6061/31080 objects degraded (19/ /.501%); 111/196 in osds are down; clock skew detected on mon.pouta-s02, mon.pouta-s03/ / monmap e3: 3 mons at {pouta-s01=10.XXX.50.1:6789/0,pouta-s02=10.XXX.50.2:6789/0,pouta-s03=10.XXX .50.3:6789/ //0}, election epoch 1312, quorum 0,1,2 pouta-s01,pouta-s02,pouta-s03/ / * osdmap e26633: 239 osds: 85 up, 196 in*/ / pgmap v60389: 17408 pgs, 13 pools, 42345 MB data, 10360 objects/ / 4699 GB used, 707 TB / 711 TB avail/ / 6061/31080 objects degraded (19.501%)/ / 14 down+remapped+peering/ / 39 active/ / 3289 active+clean/ / 547 peering/ / 663 stale+down+peering/ / 705 stale+active+remapped/ / 1 active+degraded+remapped/ / 1 stale+down+incomplete/ / 484 down+peering/ / 455 active+remapped/ / 3696 stale+active+degraded/ / 4 remapped+peering/ / 23 stale+down+remapped+peering/ / 51 stale+active/ / 3637 active+degraded/ / 3799 stale+active+clean/
*OSD : Logs *
/2015-03-09 12:22:16.312774 7f760dac9700 -1 common/ <>: In function 'void Thread::create(size_t)' thread 7f760dac9700 time 2015-03-09 12:22:16.311970/ /common/ <>: 129: FAILED assert(ret == 0)/ / / / ceph version 0.80.8 (69eaad7f8308f21573c604f121956e64679a52a7)/ / 1: (Thread::create(unsigned long)+0x8a) [0xaf41da]/ / 2: (SimpleMessenger::add_accept_pipe(int)+0x6a) [0xae84fa]/ / 3: (Accepter::entry()+0x265) [0xb5c635]/ / 4: /lib64/ [0x3c8a6079d1]/ / 5: (clone()+0x6d) [0x3c8a2e89dd]/ / NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed to interpret this./
*More information at Ceph Tracker Issue : *
**************************************************************** Karan Singh Systems Specialist , Storage Platforms CSC - IT Center for Science, Keilaranta 14, P. O. Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo, Finland mobile: +358 503 812758 tel. +358 9 4572001 fax +358 9 4572302 ****************************************************************
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-- Christian Eichelmann Systemadministrator
1&1 Internet AG - IT Operations Mail & Media Advertising & Targeting Brauerstraße 48 · DE-76135 Karlsruhe Telefon: +49 721 91374-8026 christian.eichelmann@xxxxxxxx
Amtsgericht Montabaur / HRB 6484 Vorstände: Henning Ahlert, Ralph Dommermuth, Matthias Ehrlich, Robert Hoffmann, Markus Huhn, Hans-Henning Kettler, Dr. Oliver Mauss, Jan Oetjen Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Michael Scheeren