Arbitrary OSD Number Assignment

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In the past we've been able to manually create specific and arbitrary OSD numbers. Using the procedure:
1. Add OSD.# to ceph.conf (replicate)
2. Make necessary dir in /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-#
3. Create OSD+Journal partitions and filesystems, then mount it
4. Init data dirs with: ceph-osd -i # --mkfs --mkjournal
5. Create osd.# auth via keyfile
6. Edit crushmap, if necessary, reinject
7. Execute ceph-osd, as normal
* The above step would create the OSD.# in OSD Map, if it did not already exist, while launching the OSD daemon ** This procedure has also avoided the need to ever run the manual deployment command of "ceph osd create [uuid]"
We have been defining per-host OSD number ranges to quickly identify 
which host holds an OSD number, and this also makes crushmap editing 
more intuitive, and based on easy number patterns.  This has worked 
since pre-Argonaut.
It seems the newest point release of Firefly, the ceph-osd daemon no 
longer creates it's OSD entry upon first-launch.
Is there a back-door, or "--yes-i-really-mean-it" work around to 
accomplish this need?  Going to sequential OSD number assignments would 
be **VERY** painful in our work flow.

May I suggest adding an optional 2nd param to "ceph osd create [uuid] [--osd-num=#]", which would do the internal work of verifying uniqueness, creation, and setting max_osd?

Best Regards,
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