The effect of this is *highly* dependent to the SSD make/model. My m550
work vastly better if the journal is a file on a filesystem as opposed
to a partition.
Obviously the Intel S3700/S3500 are a better choice - but the OP has
already purchased Sammy 840's, so I'm trying to suggest options to try
that don't require him to buy new SSDs!
On 18/12/14 21:28, Udo Lembke wrote:
On 18.12.2014 07:15, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
While you can't do much about the endurance lifetime being a bit low,
you could possibly improve performance using a journal *file* that is
located on the 840's (you'll need to symlink it - disclaimer - have
not tried this myself, but will experiment if you are interested).
Slightly different open() options are used in this case and these
cheaper consumer SSD seem to work better with them.
I had the symlink->file method before, (with different SSDs) but the
performance was much better after changing to partitions.
I try fist some different "consumer" SSDs with journal as file and end
now with DC S3700 with partitions.
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