Re: Confusion about journals and caches

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> J-P Methot <jpmethot@xxxxxxxxxx> hat am 15. Dezember 2014 um 16:05
> geschrieben:
> I must admit, I have a bit of difficulty understanding your diagram.

I had the illusion that a cache tier also has a journal but it has not. Sounds
less complex now.

But the XFS journals on the devices (as they are not 'inline') and the journals
of ceph's osds - aren't these two different things? So I could save the xfs
journal somewhere on the ssd (mkfs.xfs -l logdev=/dev/ssdX ...) and the journal
of ceph also (osd journal = /dev/ssdY). But does it make sense to do so? Or is
it better to leave the XFS journal inline?

> For the drive journaling, it is common to put most OSD journal on one
> SSD for such a small setup. Just remember to partition your SSD so that
> there is one partition for each OSD. This is an error that caused me a
> lot of trouble.

Ah okay, this saves me some wasted time.
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