I solved by installing EPEL repo on yum.
I think that somebody should write down in the documentation that
EPEL is mandatory
Il 18/11/2014 14:29, Massimiliano
Cuttini ha scritto:
Dear all,
i try to install ceph but i get errors:
#ceph-deploy install node1
[ceph_deploy.install][DEBUG ] Installing stable version firefly on cluster ceph hosts
[ceph_deploy.install][DEBUG ] Detecting platform for host node1
[node1][DEBUG ] ---> Pacchetto libXxf86vm.x86_64
0:1.1.3-2.1.el7 settato per essere installato
[node1][DEBUG ] ---> Pacchetto mesa-libgbm.x86_64
0:9.2.5-6.20131218.el7_0 settato per essere installato
[node1][DEBUG ] ---> Pacchetto mesa-libglapi.x86_64
0:9.2.5-6.20131218.el7_0 settato per essere installato
[node1][DEBUG ] --> Risoluzione delle dipendenze completata
[node1][WARNIN] Errore: Pacchetto:
ceph-common-0.80.7-0.el7.centos.x86_64 (Ceph)
[node1][WARNIN] Richiede: libtcmalloc.so.4()(64bit)
[node1][WARNIN] Errore: Pacchetto:
ceph-0.80.7-0.el7.centos.x86_64 (Ceph)
[node1][DEBUG ] Si può provare ad usare --skip-broken per
aggirare il problema
[node1][WARNIN] Richiede: libleveldb.so.1()(64bit)
[node1][WARNIN] Errore: Pacchetto:
ceph-0.80.7-0.el7.centos.x86_64 (Ceph)
[node1][WARNIN] Richiede: libtcmalloc.so.4()(64bit)
[node1][DEBUG ] Provare ad eseguire: rpm -Va --nofiles
[node1][ERROR ] RuntimeError: command returned non-zero exit
status: 1
[ceph_deploy][ERROR ] RuntimeError: Failed to execute
command: yum -y install ceph
I installed GIANT version not FIREFLY on admin-node.
Is it a typo error in the config file or is it truly trying to
install FIREFLY instead of GIANT.
About the error, i see that it's related to wrong python default
It seems that CEPH require libraries not available in the current
[node1][WARNIN] Richiede:
[node1][WARNIN] Richiede: libleveldb.so.1()(64bit)
[node1][WARNIN] Richiede: libtcmalloc.so.4()(64bit)
This seems strange.
Can you fix this?
Massimiliano Cuttini
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