Re: Cache tiering and cephfs

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I know that it is possible to run CephFS with a cache tier on the data
pool in Giant, because that's what I do. However when I configured it, I
was on the previous release. When I upgraded to Giant, everything just
kept working.

By the way when I set it up, I used the following commmands:

ceph osd pool create cephfs-data 192 192 erasure
ceph osd pool create cephfs-metadata 192 192 replicated ssd
ceph osd pool create cephfs-data-cache 192 192 replicated ssd
ceph osd pool set cephfs-data-cache crush_ruleset 1
ceph osd pool set cephfs-metadata crush_ruleset 1
ceph osd tier add cephfs-data cephfs-data-cache
ceph osd tier cache-mode cephfs-data-cache writeback
ceph osd tier set-overlay cephfs-data cephfs-data-cache
ceph osd dump
ceph mds newfs 5 6 --yes-i-really-mean-it

So actually I didn't add a cache tier to an existing CephFS, but first
made the pools and added CephFS directly after. In my case, the "ssd"
pool is ssd-backed (obviously), while the default pool is on rotating
media; the crush_ruleset 1 is meant to place both the cache pool and the
metadata pool on the ssd's.


On 11/16/2014 08:01 PM, Scott Laird wrote:
> Is it possible to add a cache tier to cephfs's data pool in giant?
> I'm getting a error:
> $ ceph osd tier set-overlay data data-cache
> Error EBUSY: pool 'data' is in use by CephFS via its tier
> From what I can see in the code, that comes from
> OSDMonitor::_check_remove_tier; I don't understand why set-overlay needs
> to call _check_remove_tier.  A quick look makes it look like set-overlay
> will always fail once MDS has been set up.  Is this a bug, or am I doing
> something wrong?
> Scott
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