Re: Blueprints

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On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Robert LeBlanc <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have a question regarding submitting blueprints. Should only people who
> intend to do the work of adding/changing features of Ceph submit blueprints?
> I'm not primarily a programmer (but can do programming if needed), but have
> a feature request for Ceph.

Blueprints are documents *for* developers. If you as a user have
enough information about the feature you want, and the things it needs
to do in Ceph, to generate a reasonable description of the feature,
its user interface, and a skeleton of how it could be implemented,
we'd love a blueprint. Blueprints which are backed by developers are
more likely to get time at CDS, I think (Patrick/Sage could confirm),
but even just having them is helpful.

If that sounds intimidating, we take less detailed feature requests in
our Redmine at too. ;)
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