Re: max_bucket limit -- safe to disable?

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By looking at these logs it seems that there are only 8 pgs on the
.rgw pool, if this is correct then you may want to change that
considering your workload.

Thanks. See out pg_num configuration below. We had already suspected
that the 1600 that we had previously (48 OSDs * 100 / triple redundancy)
were not ideal, so we increased the .rgw.buckets pool to 2048.

The number of objects and their size was in an earlier email, but for
completeness I will put them up once again. 

Any other ideas where to look?

for i in $(rados df | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep '^\.'); do
   echo $i; echo -n " - “; 
   ceph osd pool get $i pg_num; 
   echo -n " - “; 
   ceph osd pool get $i pgp_num;

 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 2048
 - pgp_num: 2048
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 100
 - pgp_num: 100
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600
 - pg_num: 1600
 - pgp_num: 1600

    KB:     1,966,932
objects:    9,094,552
    rd:   195,747,645
 rd KB:   153,585,472
    wr:    30,191,844
 wr KB:    10,751,065

    KB: 2,038,313,855
objects:   22,088,103
    rd:     5,455,123
 rd KB:   408,416,317
    wr:   149,377,728
 wr KB: 1,882,517,472

    KB:             0
objects:    5,374,376
    rd:   267,996,778
 rd KB:   262,626,106
    wr:   107,142,891
 wr KB:             0

    KB:             0
objects:            8
    rd:             0
 rd KB:             0
    wr:             0
 wr KB:             0

    KB:             0
objects:           32
    rd:     5,554,407
 rd KB:     5,713,942
    wr:     8,355,934
 wr KB:             0

    KB:             1
objects:            3
    rd:           524
 rd KB:           346
    wr:             3
 wr KB:             3


On 08 Oct 2014, at 01:03, Yehuda Sadeh <yehuda@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This operation stalled quite a bit, seems that it was waiting for the osd:

2.547155 7f036ffc7700  1 -- --> -- osd_op(client.78418684.0:27514711
.bucket.meta.<CNT-UUID-FINDME>:default.78418684.122043 [call,getxattrs,stat] 5.3b7d1197 ack+read e16034) v4 -- ?+0
0x7f026802e2c0 con 0x7f040c055ca0
7.619750 7f041ddf4700  1 -- <== osd.32 208252 ==== osd_op_reply(27514711
[call,getxattrs,stat] v0'0 uv6371 _ondisk_ = 0) v6 ==== 338+0+336
(3685145659 0 4232894755) 0x7f00e430f540 con 0x7f040c055ca0

By looking at these logs it seems that there are only 8 pgs on the
.rgw pool, if this is correct then you may want to change that
considering your workload.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Daniel Schneller
<daniel.schneller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Sorry, I must have missed the enabling of that debug module.
However, the test setup has been the same all the time -
I only have the one test-application :)

But maybe I phrased it a bit ambiguously when I wrote

It then continuously created containers - both empty
and such with 10 objects of around 100k random data in them.

100 kilobytes is the size of a single object, of which we create 10
per container. The container gets created first, without any
objects, naturally, then 10 objects are added. One of these objects
is called “version”, the rest have generated names with a fixed
prefix and appended 1-9. The version object is the one I picked
for the example logs I sent earlier.

I hope this makes the setup clearer.

Attached you will find the (now more extensive) logs for the outliers
again. As you did not say that I garbled the logs, I assume the
pre-processing was OK, so I have prepared the new data in a similar
fashion, marking the relevant request with <CNT-UUID-FINDME>.

I have not removed any lines in between the beginning of the
“interesting” request and its completion to keep all the network
traffic log intact. Due to the increased verbosity, I will not post
the logs inline, but only attach them gzipped.

As before, should the full data set be needed, I can provide
an archived version.

Thanks for your support!

On 07 Oct 2014, at 22:45, Yehuda Sadeh <yehuda@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The logs here don't include the messenger (debug ms = 1). It's hard to
tell what going on from looking at the outliers. Also, in your
previous mail you described a different benchmark, you tested writing
large number of objects into a single bucket, whereas in this test
you're testing multiple bucket creations, which have a completely
different characteristics.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Daniel Schneller
<daniel.schneller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have re-run our test as follows:

* 4 Rados Gateways, on 4 baremetal machines which have
a total of 48 spinning rust OSDs.

* Benchmark run on a virtual machine talking to HAProxy
which balances the requests across the 4 Rados GWs.

* Three instances of the benchmark run in parallel. Each
instance creates 1000 containers, puts 11 objects into
each container. Once they have all been created, each
instances deletes its own containers again.

I configured one of the radosgws with the debug levels
you requested. The tests produced quite an amount of data
(approx. 1GB of text), so I took the liberty to
pre-process that a bit.

In this run we landed at around 1.2s per container
created (including the objects in them) on average.
This was slightly better than the 1.6s we witnessed
before, but that test ran for much longer, so there might
have been some queue-up effect.

Interestingly enough the average is actually somewhat
misleading. The logs below show the creation of one
object in a container each, one being the fastest of this
benchmark (at least on the debug-enabled radosgw), one
being the slowest.

The fastest one was completed in 0.013s, the longest one
took 4.93s(!).

The attached logs are cleaned up so that they each show
just a single request and replaced longish, but constant
information with placeholders. Our container names are
of the form “stresstest-xxxxxxxxxxx” which I shortened
to “<CNT-UUID>” for brevity. Also, I removed the redundant
prefix (date, hour, minute of day).

The column before the log level looked like a thread-id.
As I focused on a single request, I removed all the lines
that did not match the same id, replacing the actual value
with “<ID>”. That makes the logs much easier to read and

Just in case I might have removed too much information
for the logs to be useful, the complete log is available
in BZIP2 compressed form for download. Just let me know
if you need it, then I will provide a link via direct email.

To me it seems like there might indeed be a contention
issue. It would be interesting to know, if this is correct
and if there are any settings that we could adjust to
alleviate the issue.



➜  ~  cat rados_shortest.txt
21.431185 <ID> 20 QUERY_STRING=page=swift&params=/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version
21.431187 <ID> 20 REMOTE_ADDR=
21.431188 <ID> 20 REMOTE_PORT=44007
21.431189 <ID> 20 REQUEST_METHOD=PUT
21.431190 <ID> 20 REQUEST_SCHEME=https
21.431191 <ID> 20 REQUEST_URI=/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version
21.431192 <ID> 20 SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/s3gw.fcgi
21.431193 <ID> 20 SCRIPT_NAME=/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version
21.431194 <ID> 20
21.431195 <ID> 20 SCRIPT_URL=/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version
21.431196 <ID> 20 SERVER_ADDR=
21.431197 <ID> 20 SERVER_ADMIN=[no address given]
21.431198 <ID> 20 SERVER_NAME=localhost
21.431199 <ID> 20 SERVER_PORT=8405
21.431200 <ID> 20 SERVER_PORT_SECURE=443
21.431201 <ID> 20 SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1
21.431202 <ID> 20 SERVER_SIGNATURE=
21.431203 <ID> 20 SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
21.431205 <ID>  1 ====== starting new request req=0x7f038c019e90 =====
21.431219 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.000015::PUT
21.431259 <ID> 10 ver=v1 first=<CNT-UUID> req=version
21.431265 <ID> 10 s->object=version s->bucket=<CNT-UUID>
21.431269 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.000065:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version::getting op
21.431274 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.000070:swift:PUT
21.431321 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f030800b720
obj=.users.swift:documentstore:swift state=0x7f03080f31e8 s->prefetch_data=0
21.431332 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.users.swift+documentstore:swift : hit
21.431338 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set empty
21.431344 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.users.swift+documentstore:swift : hit
21.431369 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f030800b720
obj=.users.uid:documentstore state=0x7f03080f31e8 s->prefetch_data=0
21.431374 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.users.uid+documentstore : hit
21.431378 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set empty
21.431382 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.users.uid+documentstore : hit
21.431401 <ID> 10 swift_user=documentstore:swift
21.431416 <ID> 20 build_token
21.431467 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.000262:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:reading permissions
21.431493 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f03837ed250 obj=.rgw:<CNT-UUID>
state=0x7f03080f31e8 s->prefetch_data=0
21.431508 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.rgw+<CNT-UUID> : type miss (requested=22,
21.433081 <ID> 10 cache put: name=.rgw+<CNT-UUID>
21.433106 <ID> 10 removing entry:
name=.rgw+stresstest-ab9ee3e2-dcf5-4a5b-ab40-931d94c7784038242 from cache
21.433114 <ID> 10 moving .rgw+<CNT-UUID> to cache LRU end
21.433120 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set empty
21.433122 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.idtag
21.433124 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.manifest
21.433129 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.rgw+<CNT-UUID> : hit
21.433141 <ID> 20 rgw_get_bucket_info: bucket instance:
21.433148 <ID> 20 reading from
21.433169 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f03837ed250
state=0x7f0308005778 s->prefetch_data=0
21.433185 <ID> 10 cache get:
name=.rgw+.bucket.meta.<CNT-UUID>:default.78418684.118911 : type miss
(requested=22, cached=19)
21.434632 <ID> 10 cache put:
21.434650 <ID> 10 moving
.rgw+.bucket.meta.<CNT-UUID>:default.78418684.118911 to cache LRU end
21.434657 <ID> 10 updating xattr: name=user.rgw.acl bl.length()=177
21.434664 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set empty
21.434667 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.acl
21.434668 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.idtag
21.434669 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.manifest
21.434675 <ID> 10 cache get:
name=.rgw+.bucket.meta.<CNT-UUID>:default.78418684.118911 : hit
21.434701 <ID> 15 Read AccessControlPolicy<AccessControlPolicy
21.434710 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.003506:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:init op
21.434716 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.003512:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:verifying op mask
21.434719 <ID> 20 required_mask= 2 user.op_mask=7
21.434720 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.003516:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:verifying op permissions
21.434723 <ID>  5 Searching permissions for uid=documentstore mask=50
21.434725 <ID>  5 Found permission: 15
21.434726 <ID>  5 Searching permissions for group=1 mask=50
21.434727 <ID>  5 Permissions for group not found
21.434729 <ID>  5 Searching permissions for group=2 mask=50
21.434730 <ID>  5 Permissions for group not found
21.434731 <ID>  5 Getting permissions id=documentstore owner=documentstore
21.434732 <ID> 10  uid=documentstore requested perm (type)=2, policy perm=2,
user_perm_mask=2, acl perm=2
21.434734 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.003530:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:verifying op params
21.434737 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.003533:swift:PUT
21.434850 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f03837ed250 obj=<CNT-UUID>:version
state=0x7f03080c5378 s->prefetch_data=0
21.436144 <ID> 10 setting object write_tag=default.78418684.980641
21.444613 <ID>  2 req 980641:0.013408:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:http status=201


➜  ~  cat rados_longest.txt
31.886128 <ID> 20 QUERY_STRING=page=swift&params=/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version
31.886129 <ID> 20 REMOTE_ADDR=
31.886130 <ID> 20 REMOTE_PORT=46714
31.886131 <ID> 20 REQUEST_METHOD=PUT
31.886132 <ID> 20 REQUEST_SCHEME=https
31.886134 <ID> 20 REQUEST_URI=/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version
31.886135 <ID> 20 SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/s3gw.fcgi
31.886136 <ID> 20 SCRIPT_NAME=/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version
31.886137 <ID> 20
31.886138 <ID> 20 SCRIPT_URL=/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version
31.886139 <ID> 20 SERVER_ADDR=
31.886140 <ID> 20 SERVER_ADMIN=[no address given]
31.886141 <ID> 20 SERVER_NAME=localhost
31.886143 <ID> 20 SERVER_PORT=8405
31.886144 <ID> 20 SERVER_PORT_SECURE=443
31.886145 <ID> 20 SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1
31.886146 <ID> 20 SERVER_SIGNATURE=
31.886147 <ID> 20 SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
31.886148 <ID>  1 ====== starting new request req=0x7f038c024c50 =====
31.886162 <ID>  2 req 983095:0.000013::PUT
31.886195 <ID> 10 ver=v1 first=<CNT-UUID> req=version
31.886200 <ID> 10 s->object=version s->bucket=<CNT-UUID>
31.886203 <ID>  2 req 983095:0.000055:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version::getting op
31.886208 <ID>  2 req 983095:0.000060:swift:PUT
31.886242 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f02b0062770
obj=.users.swift:documentstore:swift state=0x7f02b007ac18 s->prefetch_data=0
31.886250 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.users.swift+documentstore:swift : hit
31.886255 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set empty
31.886260 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.users.swift+documentstore:swift : hit
31.886297 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f02b0062770
obj=.users.uid:documentstore state=0x7f02b007ac18 s->prefetch_data=0
31.886303 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.users.uid+documentstore : hit
31.886308 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set empty
31.886312 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.users.uid+documentstore : hit
31.886329 <ID> 10 swift_user=documentstore:swift
31.886343 <ID> 20 build_token
31.886393 <ID>  2 req 983095:0.000245:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:reading permissions
31.886419 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f0378fd8250 obj=.rgw:<CNT-UUID>
state=0x7f02b007ac18 s->prefetch_data=0
31.886430 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.rgw+<CNT-UUID> : type miss (requested=22,
36.746327 <ID> 10 cache put: name=.rgw+<CNT-UUID>
36.746404 <ID> 10 moving .rgw+<CNT-UUID> to cache LRU end
36.746426 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set empty
36.746431 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.idtag
36.746433 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.manifest
36.746452 <ID> 10 cache get: name=.rgw+<CNT-UUID> : hit
36.746481 <ID> 20 rgw_get_bucket_info: bucket instance:
36.746491 <ID> 20 reading from
36.746549 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f0378fd8250
state=0x7f02b00ce638 s->prefetch_data=0
36.746585 <ID> 10 cache get:
name=.rgw+.bucket.meta.<CNT-UUID>:default.78418684.119116 : type miss
(requested=22, cached=19)
36.747938 <ID> 10 cache put:
36.747955 <ID> 10 moving
.rgw+.bucket.meta.<CNT-UUID>:default.78418684.119116 to cache LRU end
36.747963 <ID> 10 updating xattr: name=user.rgw.acl bl.length()=177
36.747972 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: s->obj_tag was set empty
36.747975 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.acl
36.747977 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.idtag
36.747978 <ID> 20 Read xattr: user.rgw.manifest
36.747985 <ID> 10 cache get:
name=.rgw+.bucket.meta.<CNT-UUID>:default.78418684.119116 : hit
36.748025 <ID> 15 Read AccessControlPolicy<AccessControlPolicy
36.748037 <ID>  2 req 983095:4.861888:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:init op
36.748043 <ID>  2 req 983095:4.861895:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:verifying op mask
36.748046 <ID> 20 required_mask= 2 user.op_mask=7
36.748050 <ID>  2 req 983095:4.861902:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:verifying op permissions
36.748054 <ID>  5 Searching permissions for uid=documentstore mask=50
36.748056 <ID>  5 Found permission: 15
36.748058 <ID>  5 Searching permissions for group=1 mask=50
36.748060 <ID>  5 Permissions for group not found
36.748061 <ID>  5 Searching permissions for group=2 mask=50
36.748063 <ID>  5 Permissions for group not found
36.748064 <ID>  5 Getting permissions id=documentstore owner=documentstore
36.748066 <ID> 10  uid=documentstore requested perm (type)=2, policy perm=2,
user_perm_mask=2, acl perm=2
36.748069 <ID>  2 req 983095:4.861921:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:verifying op params
36.748072 <ID>  2 req 983095:4.861924:swift:PUT
36.748200 <ID> 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x7f0378fd8250 obj=<CNT-UUID>:version
state=0x7f02b0042618 s->prefetch_data=0
36.802077 <ID> 10 setting object write_tag=default.78418684.983095
36.818727 <ID>  2 req 983095:4.932579:swift:PUT
/swift/v1/<CNT-UUID>/version:put_obj:http status=201


Daniel Schneller
Mobile Development Lead

CenterDevice GmbH                  | Merscheider Straße 1
                                 | 42699 Solingen
tel: +49 1754155711                | Deutschland
daniel.schneller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  |

On 06 Oct 2014, at 19:26, Yehuda Sadeh <yehuda@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It'd be interesting to see which rados operation is slowing down the
requests. Can you provide a log dump of a request (with 'debug rgw =
20', and 'debug ms = 1'). This might give us a better idea as to
what's going on.


On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Daniel Schneller
<daniel.schneller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi again!

We have done some tests regarding the limits of storing lots and
lots of buckets through Rados Gateway into Ceph.

Our test used a single user for which we removed the default max
buckets limit. It then continuously created containers - both empty
and such with 10 objects of around 100k random data in them.

With 3 parallel processes we saw relatively consistent time of
about   500-700ms    per such container.

This kept steady until we reached approx. 3 million containers
after which the time per insert sharply went up to currently
around   1600ms   and rising. Due to some hiccups with network
equipment the tests were aborted a few times, but then resumed without
deleting any of the previous runs created containers, so the actual
number might be 2.8 or 3.2 million, but still in that ballpark.
We aborted the test here.

Judging by the advice given earlier (see quoted mail below) that
we might hit a limit on some per-user data structures, we created
another user account, removed its max-bucket limit as well and
restarted the benchmark with that one, _expecting_ the times to be
down to the original range of 500-700ms.

However, what we are seeing is that the times stay at the   1600ms
and higher levels even for that fresh account.

Here is the output of `rados df`, reformatted to fit the email.
clones, degraded and unfound were 0 in all cases and have been
left out for clarity:

    KB:     1,966,932
objects:     9,094,552
    rd:   195,747,645
 rd KB:   153,585,472
    wr:    30,191,844
 wr KB:    10,751,065

    KB: 2,038,313,855
objects:    22,088,103
    rd:     5,455,123
 rd KB:   408,416,317
    wr:   149,377,728
 wr KB: 1,882,517,472

    KB:             0
objects:     5,374,376
    rd:   267,996,778
 rd KB:   262,626,106
    wr:   107,142,891
 wr KB:             0

    KB:             0
objects:             8
    rd:             0
 rd KB:             0
    wr:             0
 wr KB:             0

    KB:             0
objects:            32
    rd:     5,554,407
 rd KB:     5,713,942
    wr:     8,355,934
 wr KB:             0

    KB:             1
objects:             3
    rd:           524
 rd KB:           346
    wr:             3
 wr KB:             3

We would very much like to understand what is going on here
in order to decide if Rados Gateway is a viable option to base
our production system on (where we expect similar counts
as in the benchmark), or if we need to investigate using librados
directly which we would like to avoid if possible.

Any advice on what configuration parameters to check or
which additional information to provide to analyze this would be
very much welcome.


Daniel Schneller
Mobile Development Lead

CenterDevice GmbH                  | Merscheider Straße 1
                               | 42699 Solingen
tel: +49 1754155711                | Deutschland
daniel.schneller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  |

On 10 Sep 2014, at 19:42, Gregory Farnum <greg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Wednesday, September 10, 2014, Daniel Schneller
<daniel.schneller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 09 Sep 2014, at 21:43, Gregory Farnum <greg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yehuda can talk about this with more expertise than I can, but I think
it should be basically fine. By creating so many buckets you're
decreasing the effectiveness of RGW's metadata caching, which means

the initial lookup in a particular bucket might take longer.

Thanks for your thoughts. With “initial lookup in a particular bucket”
do you mean accessing any of the objects in a bucket? If we directly
access the object (not enumerating the buckets content), would that
still be an issue?
Just trying to understand the inner workings a bit better to make
more educated guesses :)

When doing an object lookup, the gateway combines the "bucket ID" with a
mangled version of the object name to try and do a read out of RADOS. It
first needs to get that bucket ID though -- it will cache an the bucket
name->ID mapping, but if you have a ton of buckets there could be enough
entries to degrade the cache's effectiveness. (So, you're more likely to pay
that extra disk access lookup.)

The big concern is that we do maintain a per-user list of all their
buckets — which is stored in a single RADOS object — so if you have an
extreme number of buckets that RADOS object could get pretty big and
become a bottleneck when creating/removing/listing the buckets. You

Alright. Listing buckets is no problem, that we don’t do. Can you
say what “pretty big” would be in terms of MB? How much space does a
bucket record consume in there? Based on that I could run a few numbers.

Uh, a kilobyte per bucket? You could look it up in the source (I'm on my
phone) but I *believe* the bucket name is allowed to be larger than the rest
More particularly, though, if you've got a single user uploading documents,
each creating a new bucket, then those bucket creates are going to serialize
on this one object.

should run your own experiments to figure out what the limits are
there; perhaps you have an easy way of sharding up documents into
different users.

Good advice. We can do that per distributor (an org unit in our
software) to at least compartmentalize any potential locking issues
in this area to that single entity. Still, there would be quite
a lot of buckets/objects per distributor, so some more detail on
the above items would be great.

Thanks a lot!


Software Engineer #42 @ |

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