some pgs active+remapped, Ceph can not recover itself.

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this is happen after some OSD fail and i recreate osd.

i have did  "ceph osd rm osd.4"  to remove the osd.4 and osd.6. but when i
use ceph-deploy to install OSD by
 "ceph-deploy osd --zap-disk --fs-type btrfs create ceph0x-vm:sdb",
ceph-deploy result said new osd is ready,
 but the OSD can not start. said that ceph-disk failure.
 /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring and auth:error
 and i have check the ceph.keyring is same as other on live OSD.

 when i run ceph-deploy twice. first it will create osd.4, failed , will
display in osd tree.  then osd.6 same.
 next ceph-deploy osd again, create osd.10, this OSD can start successful.
 but osd.4 osd.6 display down in osd tree.

 when i use ceph osd reweight-by-utilization,  run one time, more pgs
active+remapped. Ceph can not recover itself

 and Crush map tunables already optimize.  do not how to solve it.

root at ceph-admin:~# ceph osd crush dump
{ "devices": [
        { "id": 0,
          "name": "osd.0"},
        { "id": 1,
          "name": "osd.1"},
        { "id": 2,
          "name": "osd.2"},
        { "id": 3,
          "name": "osd.3"},
        { "id": 4,
          "name": "device4"},
        { "id": 5,
          "name": "osd.5"},
        { "id": 6,
          "name": "device6"},
        { "id": 7,
          "name": "osd.7"},
        { "id": 8,
          "name": "osd.8"},
        { "id": 9,
          "name": "osd.9"},
        { "id": 10,
          "name": "osd.10"}],
  "types": [
        { "type_id": 0,
          "name": "osd"},
        { "type_id": 1,
          "name": "host"},
        { "type_id": 2,
          "name": "chassis"},
        { "type_id": 3,
          "name": "rack"},
        { "type_id": 4,
          "name": "row"},
        { "type_id": 5,
          "name": "pdu"},
        { "type_id": 6,
          "name": "pod"},
        { "type_id": 7,
          "name": "room"},
        { "type_id": 8,
          "name": "datacenter"},
        { "type_id": 9,
          "name": "region"},
        { "type_id": 10,
          "name": "root"}],
  "buckets": [
        { "id": -1,
          "name": "default",
          "type_id": 10,
          "type_name": "root",
          "weight": 302773,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": -2,
                  "weight": 5898,
                  "pos": 0},
                { "id": -3,
                  "weight": 5898,
                  "pos": 1},
                { "id": -4,
                  "weight": 5898,
                  "pos": 2},
                { "id": -5,
                  "weight": 12451,
                  "pos": 3},
                { "id": -6,
                  "weight": 13107,
                  "pos": 4},
                { "id": -7,
                  "weight": 87162,
                  "pos": 5},
                { "id": -8,
                  "weight": 49807,
                  "pos": 6},
                { "id": -9,
                  "weight": 116654,
                  "pos": 7},
                { "id": -10,
                  "weight": 5898,
                  "pos": 8}]},
        { "id": -2,
          "name": "ceph02-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 5898,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 0,
                  "weight": 5898,
                  "pos": 0}]},
        { "id": -3,
          "name": "ceph03-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 5898,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 1,
                  "weight": 5898,
                  "pos": 0}]},
        { "id": -4,
          "name": "ceph01-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 5898,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 2,
                  "weight": 5898,
                  "pos": 0}]},
        { "id": -5,
          "name": "ceph04-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 12451,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 8,
                  "weight": 12451,
                  "pos": 0}]},
        { "id": -6,
          "name": "ceph05-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 13107,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 3,
                  "weight": 13107,
                  "pos": 0}]},
        { "id": -7,
          "name": "ceph06-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 87162,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 5,
                  "weight": 87162,
                  "pos": 0}]},
        { "id": -8,
          "name": "ceph07-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 49807,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 9,
                  "weight": 49807,
                  "pos": 0}]},
        { "id": -9,
          "name": "ceph08-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 116654,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 7,
                  "weight": 116654,
                  "pos": 0}]},
        { "id": -10,
          "name": "ceph09-vm",
          "type_id": 1,
          "type_name": "host",
          "weight": 5898,
          "alg": "straw",
          "hash": "rjenkins1",
          "items": [
                { "id": 10,
                  "weight": 5898,
                  "pos": 0}]}],
  "rules": [
        { "rule_id": 0,
          "rule_name": "replicated_ruleset",
          "ruleset": 0,
          "type": 1,
          "min_size": 1,
          "max_size": 8,
          "steps": [
                { "op": "take",
                  "item": -1,
                  "item_name": "default"},
                { "op": "chooseleaf_firstn",
                  "num": 0,
                  "type": "host"},
                { "op": "emit"}]}],
  "tunables": { "choose_local_tries": 0,
      "choose_local_fallback_tries": 0,
      "choose_total_tries": 50,
      "chooseleaf_descend_once": 1,
      "profile": "firefly",
      "optimal_tunables": 1,
      "legacy_tunables": 0,
      "require_feature_tunables": 1,
      "require_feature_tunables2": 1}}

root at ceph-admin:~# ceph osd tree
# id    weight  type name       up/down reweight
-1      4.62    root default
-2      0.09            host ceph02-vm
0       0.09                    osd.0   up      0.2079
-3      0.09            host ceph03-vm
1       0.09                    osd.1   up      0.1729
-4      0.09            host ceph01-vm
2       0.09                    osd.2   up      0.1192
-5      0.19            host ceph04-vm
8       0.19                    osd.8   up      0.1867
-6      0.2             host ceph05-vm
3       0.2                     osd.3   up      0.2006
-7      1.33            host ceph06-vm
5       1.33                    osd.5   up      1
-8      0.76            host ceph07-vm
9       0.76                    osd.9   up      0.6108
-9      1.78            host ceph08-vm
7       1.78                    osd.7   up      1
-10     0.09            host ceph09-vm
10      0.09                    osd.10  up      1
4       0       osd.4   down    0
6       0       osd.6   down    0

root at ceph-admin:~# ceph -s
    cluster ae3da4d2-eef0-47cf-a872-24df8f2c8df4
     health HEALTH_WARN 85 pgs stuck unclean; recovery 3/17085 objects
degraded (0.018%)
     monmap e12: 2 mons at {ceph01-vm=,ceph02-vm=}, election epoch
94, quorum 0,1 ceph01-vm,ceph02-vm
     mdsmap e47: 1/1/1 up {0=ceph01-vm=up:active}
     osdmap e992: 11 osds: 9 up, 9 in
      pgmap v34412: 2985 pgs, 21 pools, 22250 MB data, 5695 objects
            67696 MB used, 4667 GB / 4740 GB avail
            3/17085 objects degraded (0.018%)
                  85 active+remapped
                2900 active+clean

 root at ceph-admin:~# ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 85 pgs stuck unclean; recovery 3/17058 objects degraded (0.018%)
pg 17.33 is stuck unclean for 36875.635897, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,8]
pg 25.38 is stuck unclean for 87503.792230, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,9]
pg 26.3b is stuck unclean for 81404.008815, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,9]
pg 9.ea is stuck unclean for 36875.593450, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,2]
pg 0.1f is stuck unclean for 38958.901459, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,2]
pg 10.14 is stuck unclean for 14509.102941, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,8]
pg 13.72 is stuck unclean for 38960.142441, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 9.e9 is stuck unclean for 14508.983386, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,0]
pg 0.1d is stuck unclean for 81404.010614, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,0]
pg 9.d6 is stuck unclean for 81403.979337, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 4.78 is stuck unclean for 81403.983261, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 1.1b is stuck unclean for 38960.179802, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,8]
pg 26.61 is stuck unclean for 38958.868631, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,8]
pg 13.14 is stuck unclean for 519010.036121, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,8]
pg 3.1a is stuck unclean for 81404.013669, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,1]
pg 25.0 is stuck unclean for 19709.409739, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 9.132 is stuck unclean for 38958.861392, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,8]
pg 8.1f is stuck unclean for 36875.641918, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,2]
pg 4.7c is stuck unclean for 38960.144864, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 7.11 is stuck unclean for 36874.394976, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,2]
pg 2.17 is stuck unclean for 38960.181574, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,1]
pg 13.7b is stuck unclean for 81403.985106, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 16.65 is stuck unclean for 81403.985193, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 11.18 is stuck unclean for 81404.015584, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,1]
pg 3.11 is stuck unclean for 38960.182945, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 14.7c is stuck unclean for 36875.603800, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 9.6 is stuck unclean for 38958.909013, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,8]
pg 15.7f is stuck unclean for 621594.458504, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,8]
pg 4.a is stuck unclean for 14509.115738, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,1]
pg 9.7 is stuck unclean for 81404.016455, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,9]
pg 9.c6 is stuck unclean for 19709.356082, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 25.15 is stuck unclean for 81404.019076, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 10.1 is stuck unclean for 36874.400612, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,3]
pg 26.10 is stuck unclean for 86063.632237, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,0]
pg 16.79 is stuck unclean for 19707.589587, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,2]
pg 7.6e is stuck unclean for 38958.874311, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,3]
pg 9.e is stuck unclean for 81404.019610, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,9]
pg 10.62 is stuck unclean for 81403.987697, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,1]
pg 16.77 is stuck unclean for 38960.150397, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 10.f is stuck unclean for 36874.403510, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,3]
pg 9.180 is stuck unclean for 683539.557081, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,8]
pg 7.3 is stuck unclean for 1499960.402871, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,3]
pg 16.13 is stuck unclean for 36874.404199, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,2]
pg 4.7 is stuck unclean for 38958.914074, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,8]
pg 4.60 is stuck unclean for 36874.359939, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,3]
pg 24.7b is stuck unclean for 38958.876796, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,0]
pg 4.65 is stuck unclean for 36874.360956, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,8]
pg 9.12b is stuck unclean for 81403.978360, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 14.50 is stuck unclean for 38958.878275, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,0]
pg 9.189 is stuck unclean for 86063.631617, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,0]
pg 25.42 is stuck unclean since forever, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,2]
pg 12.57 is stuck unclean for 14509.062855, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,0]
pg 15.57 is stuck unclean for 38960.155634, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 9.1d3 is stuck unclean for 14509.081383, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,2]
pg 9.11e is stuck unclean for 36874.342530, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,2]
pg 7.52 is stuck unclean for 1307123.508719, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 8.5b is stuck unclean for 36875.615756, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,8]
pg 3.50 is stuck unclean for 87503.780959, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 28.4d is stuck unclean for 38960.158456, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,8]
pg 9.1da is stuck unclean for 36874.407315, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,8]
pg 17.5e is stuck unclean for 81403.996288, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 12.41 is stuck unclean for 473213.328811, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,0]
pg 12.44 is stuck unclean for 81403.998234, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 17.59 is stuck unclean for 36874.371587, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,3]
pg 9.162 is stuck unclean for 81404.025027, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,9]
pg 7.40 is stuck unclean for 1326816.767489, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,0]
pg 16.57 is stuck unclean for 38958.886731, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,1]
pg 15.49 is stuck unclean for 36874.372875, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,3]
pg 9.108 is stuck unclean for 81403.978180, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,9]
pg 12.32 is stuck unclean for 81403.999704, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,9]
pg 26.27 is stuck unclean for 86063.613158, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,1]
pg 27.22 is stuck unclean for 86063.618921, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,0]
pg 9.1b5 is stuck unclean for 81404.026012, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 11.33 is stuck unclean for 14509.036315, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,1]
pg 14.3a is stuck unclean for 87503.851817, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,1]
pg 7.35 is stuck unclean for 14509.089478, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,1]
pg 0.2d is stuck unclean for 19707.617077, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,2]
pg 17.3d is stuck unclean for 38958.896770, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,0]
pg 26.36 is stuck unclean for 87502.949930, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 9.1a6 is stuck unclean for 38958.917534, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,8]
pg 1.29 is stuck unclean for 19709.402325, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,3]
pg 12.2b is stuck unclean for 19709.402186, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,2]
pg 9.1a2 is stuck unclean for 87503.804426, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,2]
pg 9.8e is stuck unclean for 81403.982489, current state active+remapped,
last acting [7,5,9]
pg 27.38 is stuck unclean for 86063.620507, current state active+remapped,
last acting [5,7,0]
recovery 3/17058 objects degraded (0.018%)

root at ceph-admin:~# ceph pg 27.38 query
{ "state": "active+remapped",
  "epoch": 992,
  "up": [
  "acting": [
  "actingbackfill": [
  "info": { "pgid": "27.38",
      "last_update": "0'0",
      "last_complete": "0'0",
      "log_tail": "0'0",
      "last_user_version": 0,
      "last_backfill": "MAX",
      "purged_snaps": "[]",
      "history": { "epoch_created": 465,
          "last_epoch_started": 854,
          "last_epoch_clean": 854,
          "last_epoch_split": 0,
          "same_up_since": 852,
          "same_interval_since": 853,
          "same_primary_since": 465,
          "last_scrub": "0'0",
          "last_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-18 03:50:58.482069",
          "last_deep_scrub": "0'0",
          "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-12 01:17:51.908690",
          "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-18 03:50:58.482069"},
      "stats": { "version": "0'0",
          "reported_seq": "587",
          "reported_epoch": "992",
          "state": "active+remapped",
          "last_fresh": "2014-08-19 03:04:04.900906",
          "last_change": "2014-08-18 07:48:22.798332",
          "last_active": "2014-08-19 03:04:04.900906",
          "last_clean": "2014-08-18 06:31:12.361215",
          "last_became_active": "0.000000",
          "last_unstale": "2014-08-19 03:04:04.900906",
          "mapping_epoch": 852,
          "log_start": "0'0",
          "ondisk_log_start": "0'0",
          "created": 465,
          "last_epoch_clean": 854,
          "parent": "0.0",
          "parent_split_bits": 0,
          "last_scrub": "0'0",
          "last_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-18 03:50:58.482069",
          "last_deep_scrub": "0'0",
          "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-12 01:17:51.908690",
          "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-18 03:50:58.482069",
          "log_size": 0,
          "ondisk_log_size": 0,
          "stats_invalid": "0",
          "stat_sum": { "num_bytes": 0,
              "num_objects": 0,
              "num_object_clones": 0,
              "num_object_copies": 0,
              "num_objects_missing_on_primary": 0,
              "num_objects_degraded": 0,
              "num_objects_unfound": 0,
              "num_objects_dirty": 0,
              "num_whiteouts": 0,
              "num_read": 0,
              "num_read_kb": 0,
              "num_write": 0,
              "num_write_kb": 0,
              "num_scrub_errors": 0,
              "num_shallow_scrub_errors": 0,
              "num_deep_scrub_errors": 0,
              "num_objects_recovered": 0,
              "num_bytes_recovered": 0,
              "num_keys_recovered": 0,
              "num_objects_omap": 0,
              "num_objects_hit_set_archive": 0},
          "stat_cat_sum": {},
          "up": [
          "acting": [
          "up_primary": 5,
          "acting_primary": 5},
      "empty": 1,
      "dne": 0,
      "incomplete": 0,
      "last_epoch_started": 854,
      "hit_set_history": { "current_last_update": "0'0",
          "current_last_stamp": "0.000000",
          "current_info": { "begin": "0.000000",
              "end": "0.000000",
              "version": "0'0"},
          "history": []}},
  "peer_info": [
        { "peer": "0",
          "pgid": "27.38",
          "last_update": "0'0",
          "last_complete": "0'0",
          "log_tail": "0'0",
          "last_user_version": 0,
          "last_backfill": "MAX",
          "purged_snaps": "[]",
          "history": { "epoch_created": 465,
              "last_epoch_started": 854,
              "last_epoch_clean": 854,
              "last_epoch_split": 0,
              "same_up_since": 852,
              "same_interval_since": 853,
              "same_primary_since": 465,
              "last_scrub": "0'0",
              "last_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-18 03:50:58.482069",
              "last_deep_scrub": "0'0",
              "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-12 01:17:51.908690",
              "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-18 03:50:58.482069"},
          "stats": { "version": "0'0",
              "reported_seq": "388",
              "reported_epoch": "803",
              "state": "peering",
              "last_fresh": "2014-08-18 06:29:20.770740",
              "last_change": "2014-08-18 06:29:19.709158",
              "last_active": "2014-08-18 06:07:12.189878",
              "last_clean": "2014-08-18 06:07:12.189878",
              "last_became_active": "0.000000",
              "last_unstale": "2014-08-18 06:29:20.770740",
              "mapping_epoch": 852,
              "log_start": "0'0",
              "ondisk_log_start": "0'0",
              "created": 465,
              "last_epoch_clean": 707,
              "parent": "0.0",
              "parent_split_bits": 0,
              "last_scrub": "0'0",
              "last_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-18 03:50:58.482069",
              "last_deep_scrub": "0'0",
              "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-12 01:17:51.908690",
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  "agent_state": {}}
-------------- next part --------------
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