active+remapped after remove osd via ceph osd out

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After ceph osd out ( 1 osd ) cluster stopped rebalancing on
10621 active+clean, 2 active+remapped, 1 active+degraded+remapped;

My crushmap is clean, there is not 'empty' device's.
grep device /tmp/crush1.txt  | grep -v osd | grep -v '^#' | wc -l

Can You help me with this?

  "up": [
  "acting": [
I have only one copy of this PG ?

More info:
ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 1 pgs degraded; 3 pgs stuck unclean; recovery
12008/346501095 degraded (0.003%)
pg 3.884 is stuck unclean for 478441.392837, current state
active+remapped, last acting [143,261,314]
pg 3.154a is stuck unclean for 485378.436630, current state
active+remapped, last acting [85,224,64]
pg 3.cc7 is stuck unclean for 116231.803324, current state
active+degraded+remapped, last acting [73,102]
pg 3.cc7 is active+degraded+remapped, acting [73,102]
recovery 12008/346501095 degraded (0.003%)
ceph pg dump | grep 3.cc7
dumped all in format plain
3.cc7   12014   0       12012   0       2845541648      3870    3870
 active+degraded+remapped        2014-08-17 21:08:04.155348
160273'273322   160273:1044675  [73]    [73,102]159997'270388
2014-08-13 05:23:48.386184      159997'270388   2014-08-13
grep '3.cc7' /var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.73.log
2014-08-17 21:06:47.494511 7f788a625700 20 osd.73 160241  kicking pg 3.cc7
2014-08-17 21:06:47.494513 7f788a625700 30 osd.73 pg_epoch: 160241
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160026 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160026/160026
160024/160025/153162) [73]/[73,102] r=0 lpr=160025 mlcod 160241'273319
active+degraded+remapped] lock
2014-08-17 21:06:47.494522 7f788a625700 10 osd.73 pg_epoch: 160241
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160026 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160026/160026
160024/160025/153162) [73]/[73,102] r=0 lpr=160025 mlcod 160241'273319
active+degraded+remapped] on_shutdown
2014-08-17 21:06:47.494530 7f788a625700 10 osd.73 pg_epoch: 160241
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160026 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160026/160026
160024/160025/153162) [73]/[73,102] r=0 lpr=160025 mlcod 160241'273319
active+degraded+remapped] clear_primary_state
2014-08-17 21:06:47.494541 7f788a625700 10 osd.73 pg_epoch: 160241
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160026 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160026/160026
160024/160025/153162) [73]/[73,102] r=0 lpr=160025 luod=0'0 mlcod 0'0
active+degraded+remapped] cancel_recovery
2014-08-17 21:06:47.494548 7f788a625700 10 osd.73 pg_epoch: 160241
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160026 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160026/160026
160024/160025/153162) [73]/[73,102] r=0 lpr=160025 luod=0'0 mlcod 0'0
active+degraded+remapped] clear_recovery_state
2014-08-17 21:07:00.758061 7f9819814700  1 osd.73 pg_epoch: 160244
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160026 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160026/160026
160244/160244/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=0 lpr=160244 pi=160025-160243/2
lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 remapped] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary
2014-08-17 21:07:51.121028 7f9819814700  1 osd.73 pg_epoch: 160246
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160245 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160245/160245
160244/160246/160244) [73] r=0 lpr=160246 pi=160244-160245/1 lcod 0'0
mlcod 0'0 inactive] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary
2014-08-17 21:08:02.995105 7f9818011700  1 osd.73 pg_epoch: 160248
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160247 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160247/160247
160244/160248/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=0 lpr=160248 pi=160246-160247/1
lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0 remapped] state<Start>: transitioning to Primary
grep '3.cc7' /var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.102.log
2014-08-17 21:06:47.554359 7f630df7a700  1 osd.102 pg_epoch: 160242
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160026 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160026/160026
160242/160242/160242) []/[102] r=0 lpr=160242 pi=158292-160241/12 lcod
160241'273319 mlcod 0'0 remapped] state<Start>: transitioning to
2014-08-17 21:07:00.772420 7f630b775700  1 osd.102 pg_epoch: 160244
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160243 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160243/160243
160244/160244/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=1 lpr=160244 pi=160242-160243/1
lcod 160241'273319 remapped NOTIFY] state<Start>: transitioning to
2014-08-17 21:07:50.832077 7f62f878a700 20 osd.102 160245  kicking pg 3.cc7
2014-08-17 21:07:50.832079 7f62f878a700 30 osd.102 pg_epoch: 160245
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160245 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160245/160245
160244/160244/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=1 lpr=160244 pi=160242-160243/1
luod=0'0 lcod 160241'273319 active+remapped] lock
2014-08-17 21:07:50.832089 7f62f878a700 10 osd.102 pg_epoch: 160245
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160245 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160245/160245
160244/160244/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=1 lpr=160244 pi=160242-160243/1
luod=0'0 lcod 160241'273319 active+remapped] on_shutdown
2014-08-17 21:07:50.832099 7f62f878a700 10 osd.102 pg_epoch: 160245
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160245 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160245/160245
160244/160244/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=1 lpr=160244 pi=160242-160243/1
luod=0'0 lcod 160241'273319 active+remapped] clear_primary_state
2014-08-17 21:07:50.832109 7f62f878a700 10 osd.102 pg_epoch: 160245
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160245 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160245/160245
160244/160244/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=1 lpr=160244 pi=160242-160243/1
luod=0'0 lcod 160241'273319 active+remapped] cancel_recovery
2014-08-17 21:07:50.832117 7f62f878a700 10 osd.102 pg_epoch: 160245
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160245 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160245/160245
160244/160244/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=1 lpr=160244 pi=160242-160243/1
luod=0'0 lcod 160241'273319 active+remapped] clear_recovery_state
2014-08-17 21:08:02.979471 7f3d54953700  1 osd.102 pg_epoch: 160248
pg[3.cc7( v 160241'273320 (155516'269452,160241'273320]
local-les=160245 n=12016 ec=4 les/c 160245/160245
160244/160248/160244) [73]/[73,102] r=1 lpr=160248 pi=160242-160247/3
lcod 0'0 remapped NOTIFY] state<Start>: transitioning to Stray
ceph pg 3.cc7 query:
{ "state": "active+degraded+remapped",
  "epoch": 160273,
  "up": [
  "acting": [
  "info": { "pgid": "3.cc7",
      "last_update": "160273'273322",
      "last_complete": "160273'273322",
      "log_tail": "155516'269452",
      "last_backfill": "MAX",
      "purged_snaps": "[]",
      "history": { "epoch_created": 4,
          "last_epoch_started": 160249,
          "last_epoch_clean": 160249,
          "last_epoch_split": 11503,
          "same_up_since": 160244,
          "same_interval_since": 160248,
          "same_primary_since": 160244,
          "last_scrub": "159997'270388",
          "last_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-13 05:23:48.386184",
          "last_deep_scrub": "159997'270388",
          "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-13 05:23:48.386184",
          "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-13 05:23:48.386184"},
      "stats": { "version": "160273'273322",
          "reported_seq": "1044675",
          "reported_epoch": "160273",
          "state": "active+degraded+remapped",
          "last_fresh": "2014-08-17 21:25:34.935269",
          "last_change": "2014-08-17 21:08:04.155348",
          "last_active": "2014-08-17 21:25:34.935269",
          "last_clean": "2014-08-16 13:20:49.883438",
          "last_became_active": "2013-10-25 13:05:26.849618",
          "last_unstale": "2014-08-17 21:25:34.935269",
          "mapping_epoch": 160246,
          "log_start": "155516'269452",
          "ondisk_log_start": "155516'269452",
          "created": 4,
          "last_epoch_clean": 160249,
          "parent": "0.0",
          "parent_split_bits": 0,
          "last_scrub": "159997'270388",
          "last_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-13 05:23:48.386184",
          "last_deep_scrub": "159997'270388",
          "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-13 05:23:48.386184",
          "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2014-08-13 05:23:48.386184",
          "log_size": 3870,
          "ondisk_log_size": 3870,
          "stats_invalid": "0",
          "stat_sum": { "num_bytes": 2845541648,
              "num_objects": 12014,
              "num_object_clones": 0,
              "num_object_copies": 0,
              "num_objects_missing_on_primary": 0,
              "num_objects_degraded": 0,
              "num_objects_unfound": 0,
              "num_read": 723032,
              "num_read_kb": 24658206,
              "num_write": 118401,
              "num_write_kb": 2360009,
              "num_scrub_errors": 0,
              "num_shallow_scrub_errors": 0,
              "num_deep_scrub_errors": 0,
              "num_objects_recovered": 55614,
              "num_bytes_recovered": 10782825899,
              "num_keys_recovered": 0},
          "stat_cat_sum": {},
          "up": [
          "acting": [
      "empty": 0,
      "dne": 0,
      "incomplete": 0,
      "last_epoch_started": 160249},
  "recovery_state": [
        { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Active",
          "enter_time": "2014-08-17 21:08:04.154871",
          "might_have_unfound": [],
          "recovery_progress": { "backfill_target": -1,
              "waiting_on_backfill": 0,
              "backfill_pos": "0\/\/0\/\/-1",
              "backfill_info": { "begin": "0\/\/0\/\/-1",
                  "end": "0\/\/0\/\/-1",
                  "objects": []},
              "peer_backfill_info": { "begin": "0\/\/0\/\/-1",
                  "end": "0\/\/0\/\/-1",
                  "objects": []},
              "backfills_in_flight": [],
              "pull_from_peer": [],
              "pushing": []},
          "scrub": { "scrubber.epoch_start": "0",
              "": 0,
              "scrubber.block_writes": 0,
              "scrubber.finalizing": 0,
              "scrubber.waiting_on": 0,
              "scrubber.waiting_on_whom": []}},
        { "name": "Started",
          "enter_time": "2014-08-17 21:08:02.995104"}]}


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