Install Ceph nodes without network proxy access

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I'm trying to bring up a Ceph cluster.  In our environment, access to outside repositories is VERY restricted.   This causes some BIG problems, namely, going out to the ceph respositories.  I opened up a proxy to allow this, but still have problems:

[ceph at tm1cldcphal01 wombat-cluster]$ ceph-deploy install tm1cldmonl01
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /home/cephadmin/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (1.5.5): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy install tm1cldmonl01
[ceph_deploy.install][DEBUG ] Installing stable version firefly on cluster ceph hosts tm1cldmonl01
[ceph_deploy.install][DEBUG ] Detecting platform for host tm1cldmonl01 ...
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] connected to host: tm1cldmonl01
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[ceph_deploy.install][INFO  ] Distro info: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.5 Santiago
[tm1cldmonl01][INFO  ] installing ceph on tm1cldmonl01
[tm1cldmonl01][INFO  ] Running command: sudo yum clean all
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] Cleaning repos: Local_Repo RHN_Latest ceph-noarch ceph-x86_64
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] Cleaning up Everything
[tm1cldmonl01][WARNIN] This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
[tm1cldmonl01][INFO  ] Running command: sudo yum -y install wget
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] Setting up Install Process
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] Package wget-1.12-1.11.el6_5.x86_64 already installed and latest version
[tm1cldmonl01][DEBUG ] Nothing to do
[tm1cldmonl01][WARNIN] This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
[tm1cldmonl01][INFO  ] Running command: sudo rpm --import;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc
[tm1cldmonl01][WARNIN] curl: (7) Failed to connect to 2607:f298:4:147::b05:fe2a: Network is unreachable
[tm1cldmonl01][WARNIN] error:;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc: import read failed(2).
[tm1cldmonl01][ERROR ] RuntimeError: command returned non-zero exit status: 1
[ceph_deploy][ERROR ] RuntimeError: Failed to execute command: rpm --import;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc

It looks like curl is attempting to do an IPV6 lookup.  So, I disabled IPV6 and now just get from curl:

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
error: import read failed(2).

Is there ANY way to install ceph without going outside our network?  This is a VERY limiting thing, and we simply cannot have a wide-open proxy to external systems that are beyond our control.   We can't be the only people running into this.


Dan O'Reilly
UNIX Systems Administration
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