Hey cephers, Now that OSCON is in our rearview mirror we have started looking to LinuxCon/CloudOpen, which is looming just over two weeks away. If you haven't arranged tickets yet, and would like to go, let us know! We have an extra ticket (maybe two) and we'd love to have you attend and hang out at the Ceph booth (community, no corp affiliation) a bit with us to talk to the community. http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-north-america If you're interested shoot me a message either here via email or on IRC and we'll see about getting you into the show (although you have to figure out travel to Chicago). If you already have a ticket, make sure you stop by and say hi to the squids at the booth. Looking forward to hanging with the community in Chicago. Thanks. Best Regards, Patrick McGarry Director Ceph Community || Red Hat http://ceph.com || http://community.redhat.com @scuttlemonkey || @ceph