radosgw-agent failed to parse

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yes, im scratching my head over this too. It doesn't seem to be an 
authentication issue as the radosgw-agent never reaches the us-secondary 
gateway (i've kept an eye on us-secondary logs as i execute 
radosgw-agent on us-master).

On 22/07/14 03:51, Craig Lewis wrote:
> I was hoping for some easy fixes :-P
> I created two system users, in both zones.  Each user has different 
> access and secret, but I copied the access and secret from the primary 
> to the secondary.  I can't imaging that this would cause the problem 
> you're seeing, but it is something different from the examples.
> Sorry, I'm out of ideas.
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 7:13 AM, Peter <ptiernan at tchpc.tcd.ie 
> <mailto:ptiernan at tchpc.tcd.ie>> wrote:
>     hello again,
>     i couldn't find 
>     'http://us-secondary.example.comhttp://us-secondary.example.com/
>     <http://us-secondary.example.com/>' in any zone or regions config
>     files. How could it be getting the URL from someplace else if i am
>     specifying as command line option after radosgw-agent ?
>     Here is region config:
>>     { "name": "us",
>>       "api_name": "us",
>>       "is_master": "True",
>>       "endpoints": [
>>     "http:\/\/us-master.example.com:80\/"
>>     <http:%5C/%5C/us-master.example.com:80%5C/>],
>>       "master_zone": "us-master",
>>       "zones": [
>>             { "name": "us-master",
>>               "endpoints": [
>>     "http:\/\/us-master.example.com:80\/"
>>     <http:%5C/%5C/us-master.example.com:80%5C/>],
>>               "log_meta": "true",
>>               "log_data": "true"},
>>             { "name": "us-secondary",
>>               "endpoints": [
>>     "http:\/\/us-master.example.com:80\/"
>>     <http:%5C/%5C/us-master.example.com:80%5C/>],
>>               "log_meta": "true",
>>               "log_data": "true"}
>>             ],
>>       "placement_targets": [
>>        {
>>          "name": "default-placement",
>>          "tags": []
>>        }
>>       ],
>>       "default_placement": "default-placement"}
>     I also get the above when i navigate to
>     http://us-master.example.com/admin/config and
>     http://us-secondary.example.com/admin/config .
>     us-master zone looks like this:
>>     { "domain_root": ".us-master.domain.rgw",
>>       "control_pool": ".us-master.rgw.control",
>>       "gc_pool": ".us-master.rgw.gc",
>>       "log_pool": ".us-master.log",
>>       "intent_log_pool": ".us-master.intent-log",
>>       "usage_log_pool": ".us-master.usage",
>>       "user_keys_pool": ".us-master.users",
>>       "user_email_pool": ".us-master.users.email",
>>       "user_swift_pool": ".us-master.users.swift",
>>       "user_uid_pool": ".us-master.users.uid",
>>       "system_key": { "access_key": "EA02UO07DA8JJJX7ZIPJ",
>>     "secret_key": "InmPlbQhsj7dqYYYYjdNabqkZaqR8ShWC6fS0XVo"},
>>       "placement_pools": [
>>         { "key": "default-placement",
>>           "val": { "index_pool": ".us-master.rgw.buckets.index",
>>                    "data_pool": ".us-master.rgw.buckets"}
>>         }
>>       ]
>>     }
>     us-secondary zone:
>>     { "domain_root": ".us-secondary.domain.rgw",
>>       "control_pool": ".us-secondary.rgw.control",
>>       "gc_pool": ".us-secondary.rgw.gc",
>>       "log_pool": ".us-secondary.log",
>>       "intent_log_pool": ".us-secondary.intent-log",
>>       "usage_log_pool": ".us-secondary.usage",
>>       "user_keys_pool": ".us-secondary.users",
>>       "user_email_pool": ".us-secondary.users.email",
>>       "user_swift_pool": ".us-secondary.users.swift",
>>       "user_uid_pool": ".us-secondary.users.uid",
>>       "system_key": { "access_key": "EA02UO07DA8JJJX7ZIPJ",
>>     "secret_key": "InmPlbQhsj7dqYYYYjdNabqkZaqR8ShWC6fS0XVo"},
>>       "placement_pools": [
>>         { "key": "default-placement",
>>           "val": { "index_pool": ".us-secondary.rgw.buckets.index",
>>                    "data_pool": ".us-secondary.rgw.buckets"}
>>         }
>>       ]
>>     }
>     us-master user exists on us-master cluster gateway, us-secondary
>     user exists on us-secondary cluster gateway. both us-master and
>     us-secondary gateway users have same access and secret key. should
>     us-master and us-secondary users exist on both clusters?
>     i can resolve us-master.example.com <http://us-master.example.com>
>     and us-secondary.example.com <http://us-secondary.example.com>
>     from both gateways.
>     Thanks
>     On 09/07/14 22:20, Craig Lewis wrote:
>>     Just to ask a couple obvious questions...
>>     You didn't accidentally
>>     put 'http://us-secondary.example.comhttp://us-secondary.example.com/
>>     <http://us-secondary.example.com/>' in any of your region or zone
>>     configuration files?  The fact that it's missing the :80 makes me
>>     think it's getting that URL from someplace that isn't the command
>>     line.
>>     You do have both system users on both clusters, with the same
>>     access and secret keys?
>>     You can resolve us-secondary.example.com
>>     <http://us-secondary.example.com>. from this host?
>>     I tested URLs of the form http://us-secondary.example.com/ and
>>     http://us-secondary.example.com:80 in my setup, and both work fine.
>>     On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Peter <ptiernan at tchpc.tcd.ie
>>     <mailto:ptiernan at tchpc.tcd.ie>> wrote:
>>         thank you for your reply. I am running ceph 0.80.1,
>>         radosgw-agent 1.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (GNU/Linux
>>         3.13.0-24-generic x86_64) . I also ran into this same issue
>>         with ubuntu 12.04 previously.
>>         There are no special characters in the access or secret key
>>         (ive had issues with this before so i make sure of this).
>>         here is the output python interpreter:
>>             Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)
>>             [GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
>>             Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>             information.
>>             >>> import urlparse
>>             >>> result =
>>             urlparse.urlparse('http://us-secondary.example.com:80')
>>             >>> print result.hostname, result.port
>>             us-secondary.example.com <http://us-secondary.example.com> 80
>>         that looks ok to me.
>>         On 07/07/14 22:57, Josh Durgin wrote:
>>             On 07/04/2014 08:36 AM, Peter wrote:
>>                 i am having issues running radosgw-agent to sync data
>>                 between two
>>                 radosgw zones. As far as i can tell both zones are
>>                 running correctly.
>>                 My issue is when i run the radosgw-agent command:
>>                     radosgw-agent -v --src-access-key <access_key>
>>                     --src-secret-key
>>                     <secret_key> --dest-access-key <access_key>
>>                     --dest-secret-key
>>                     <secret_key> --src-zone us-master
>>                     http://us-secondary.example.com:80
>>                 i get the following error:
>>                 |DEBUG:boto:Using access key provided by client.||
>>                 ||DEBUG:boto:Using secret key provided by client.||
>>                 ||DEBUG:boto:StringToSign:||
>>                 ||GET||
>>                 ||
>>                 ||Fri, 04 Jul 2014 15:25:53 GMT||
>>                 ||/admin/config||
>>                 ||DEBUG:boto:Signature:||
>>                 ||AWS EA20YO07DA8JJJX7ZIPJ:WbykwyXu5m5IlbEsBzo8bKEGIzg=||
>>                 ||DEBUG:boto:url =
>>                 'http://us-secondary.example.comhttp://us-secondary.example.com/admin/config'||
>>                 <http://us-secondary.example.com/admin/config%27%7C%7C>
>>                 ||params={}||
>>                 ||headers={'Date': 'Fri, 04 Jul 2014 15:25:53 GMT',
>>                 'Content-Length':
>>                 '0', 'Authorization': 'AWS
>>                 EA20YO07DA8JJJX7ZIPJ:WbykwyXu5m5IlbEsBzo8bKEGIzg=',
>>                 'User-Agent':
>>                 'Boto/2.20.1 Python/2.7.6 Linux/3.13.0-24-generic'}||
>>                 ||data=None||
>>                 ||ERROR:root:Could not retrieve region map from
>>                 destination||
>>                 ||Traceback (most recent call last):||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/radosgw_agent/cli.py",
>>                 line
>>                 269, in main||
>>                 ||    region_map = client.get_region_map(dest_conn)||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/radosgw_agent/client.py",
>>                 line 391, in get_region_map||
>>                 ||    region_map = request(connection, 'get',
>>                 'admin/config')||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/radosgw_agent/client.py",
>>                 line 153, in request||
>>                 ||    result = handler(url, params=params,
>>                 headers=request.headers,
>>                 data=data)||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/api.py",
>>                 line 55, in
>>                 get||
>>                 ||    return request('get', url, **kwargs)||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/api.py",
>>                 line 44, in
>>                 request||
>>                 ||    return session.request(method=method, url=url,
>>                 **kwargs)||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/sessions.py",
>>                 line
>>                 349, in request||
>>                 ||    prep = self.prepare_request(req)||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/sessions.py",
>>                 line
>>                 287, in prepare_request||
>>                 ||    hooks=merge_hooks(request.hooks, self.hooks),||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line
>>                 287, in prepare||
>>                 ||    self.prepare_url(url, params)||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line
>>                 334, in prepare_url||
>>                 ||    scheme, auth, host, port, path, query, fragment
>>                 = parse_url(url)||
>>                 ||  File
>>                 "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/urllib3/util.py",
>>                 line 390,
>>                 in parse_url||
>>                 ||    raise LocationParseError("Failed to parse: %s"
>>                 % url)||
>>                 ||LocationParseError: Failed to parse: Failed to parse:
>>                 us-secondary.example.comhttp:
>>                 |||Is this a bug? or is my setup wrong? i can navigate to
>>                 http://us-secondary.example.com/admin/config and it
>>                 correctly outputs
>>                 zone details. at the output above
>>             It seems like an issue with your environment. What version of
>>             radosgw-agent and which distro is this running on?
>>             Are there any special characters in the access or secret
>>             keys that
>>             might need to be escaped on the command line?
>>                 |DEBUG:boto:url =
>>                 'http://us-secondary.example.comhttp://us-secondary.example.com/admin/config'||
>>                 <http://us-secondary.example.com/admin/config%27%7C%7C>
>>                 |should the url be repeated like that?
>>             No, and it's rather strange since it should be the url
>>             passed on the
>>             command line, parsed, and with /admin/config added.
>>             Could post the result of this run in a python interpreter:
>>             import urlparse
>>             result =
>>             urlparse.urlparse('http://us-secondary.example.com:80')
>>             print result.hostname, result.port
>>             Josh
>>         _______________________________________________
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>>         ceph-users at lists.ceph.com <mailto:ceph-users at lists.ceph.com>
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