Hey cephers, Just wanted to let you guys know that we are launching a Twitter photo contest as a part of OSCON that will run through the end of the month. If you tweet a photo of how you are celebrating Ceph's 10th birthday to @ceph w/ #cephturns10, you could win a desktop Ceph cluster built by our very own Mark Nelson. Check out the links below for details: Blog: http://ceph.com/uncategorized/ceph-turns-10-twitter-photo-contest/ Contest Page: https://wiki.ceph.com/Community/Contests Contest Details: https://wiki.ceph.com/Community/Contests/Ceph_Turns_10_Twitter_Photo_Contest Official Contest Rules: https://wiki.ceph.com/@api/deki/files/31/Ceph10thBirthdayTwitterPhotoContest--FINAL.pdf Additionally, if you are at OSCON stop by booth P2 to say hi and enjoy cupcakes (Tues only) and special edition t-shirts. Happy birthday to Ceph! Best Regards, Patrick McGarry Director Ceph Community || Red Hat http://ceph.com || http://community.redhat.com @scuttlemonkey || @ceph