Radosgw Timeout

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On 5/22/14 06:16 , Georg H?llrigl wrote:
> I have created one bucket that holds many small files, separated into 
> different "directories". But whenever I try to acess the bucket, I 
> only run into some timeout. The timeout is at around 30 - 100 seconds. 
> This is smaller then the Apache timeout of 300 seconds.
Just so we're all talking about the same things, what does "many small 
files" mean to you?  Also, how are you separating them into 
"directories"?  Are you just giving files in the same "directory" the 
same leading string, like "dir1_subdir1_filename"?

I'm putting about 1M objects, random sizes, in each bucket.  I'm not 
having problems getting individual files, or uploading new ones.  It 
does take a long time for s3cmd to list the contents of the bucket. The 
only time I get timeouts is when my cluster is very unhealthy.

If you're doing a lot more than that, say 10M or 100M objects, then that 
could cause a hot spot on disk.  You might be better off taking your 
"directories", and putting them in their own bucket.


*Craig Lewis*
Senior Systems Engineer
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