Thank you for your response.
The number of replicas is already set to 3. So if I simply increase the number of pg’s they will also start to move or is that simply triggered with size alterations? I suppose since this will generate movement in the cluster network it is ideal to do
this operation while the cluster isnt as busy.
From: <McNamara>, Bradley <Bradley.McNamara@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 1:54 PM To: Karol Kozubal <karol.kozubal@xxxxxxxxx>, "ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: RE: PG Scaling Round up your pg_num and pgp_num to the next power of 2, 2048. Ceph will start moving data as soon as you implement the new ‘size 3’, so I would increase the pg_num and pgp_num, first, then increase the size.
It will start creating the new PG’s immediately. You can see all this going on using ‘ceph –w’. Once the data is finished moving, you may need to run ‘ceph osd crush tunables optimal’. This should take care of any unclean PG’s that may be hanging
around. It is NOT possible to decrease the PG’s. One would need to delete the pool and recreate it.
ceph-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ceph-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Karol Kozubal Correction: Sorry min_size is at 1 everywhere.
Karol Kozubal From:
Karol Kozubal <karol.kozubal@xxxxxxxxx> Hi Everyone, I am deploying an openstack deployment with Fuel 4.1 and have a 20 node ceph deployment of c6220’s with 3 osd’s and 1 journaling disk per node. When first
deployed each storage pool is configured with the correct size and min_size attributes however fuel doesn’t seem to apply the correct number of pg’s to the pools based on the number of osd’s that we actually have. I make the adjustments using the following (20 nodes * 3 OSDs)*100 / 3 replicas = 2000 ceph osd pool volumes set size 3 ceph osd pool volumes set min_size 3 ceph osd pool volumes set pg_num 2000 ceph osd pool volumes set pgp_num 2000 ceph osd pool images set size 3 ceph osd pool images set min_size 3 ceph osd pool images set pg_num 2000 ceph osd pool images set pgp_num 2000 ceph osd pool compute set size 3 ceph osd pool compute set min_size 3 ceph osd pool compute set pg_num 2000 ceph osd pool compute set pgp_num 2000 Here are the questions I am left with concerning these changes:
Thank you for your input. Karol Kozubal |
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