Re: Crush Maps

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Hallo Bradley, additionally to your question, I'm interesting in the following:


5) can I change all 'type' Ids because adding a new type "host-slow" to distinguish between OSD's with journal on the same HDD / separate SSD? E.g.  from

                type 0 osd

                type 1 host

                type 2 rack



                type 0 osd

                type 1 host

                type 2 host-slow

                type 3 rack



6)  After importing the crush map to the cluster, how can I start rebalancing all existing pools? (This is because all OSD now mixed up to other locations in the crush hierarchy).


best regards



From: ceph-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ceph-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of McNamara, Bradley

1)      Do the ID’s of the bucket types need to be consecutive, or can I make them up as long as they are negative in value and unique?

2)      Is there any way that I can control the assignment of the bucket type ID’s if I were to update the crushmap on a running system using the CLI?

3)      Is there any harm in adding bucket types that are not currently used, but assigning them a weight of 0, so they aren’t used (a row defined, with racks, but the racks have no hosts defined)?

4)      Can I have a bucket type with no “item” lines in it, or does each bucket type need at least on item declaration to be valid?

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