I have this problem on some of my Ceph clusters, and I think it is due
to the older hardware the I am using does not have the best clocks. To
fix the problem, I setup one server in my lab to be my local NTP time
server, and then on each of my Ceph monitors, in the /etc/ntp.conf
file, I put in a single "server" line that reads:
server XX.XX.XX.XX iburst burst minpoll 4 maxpoll 5
Where XX.XX.XX.XX is my local NTP time server IP address
Within a few minutes after a reboot, all my monitor clocks sync.
Per the NTP docs, do not use these settings when pointing to an
external NTP server, as it generates a lot more network traffic then
the default NTP settings.
2014-01-30 Emmanuel Lacour <elacour@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
here, I just wait until the skew is finished, without touching ceph.
doesn't seems to do anything bad ...
I've waited more than 1 hour with no success.
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